What is the collective noun for unicyclist?

Hey all out there,

A simple, overlooked question came to me just a couple of minutes ago…

What is the collective noun for unicyclist?

a hub of unicyclists?

a wobble of unicyclists?

a balance of unicyclists?

I might be wrong, but i don’t think there is an official one…

what are your thoughts?


I had never thought about that. I’m sure that many collective nouns fit (group, team, crew, etc.) but I’ve never heard a specific one. Maybe a Ride of Unicyclists? But that might be taking things a little to literally :stuck_out_tongue:

Not the first time this has been discussed.:wink:

And GILD found a couple more

We are nerdly enough. I really hope we don’t need a special word to describe a group of ourselves. At least not in English. This language already has way too many words used way too many ways…

I always liked ‘a wobble of unicyclists’ myself.

I’m sure it’s one of the topics that will keep popping up until there is some kind of consensus and until people being interviewed by the press start giving the same answer, or suggest it if it doesn’t occur to the journo during the interview. It’s almost guaranteed to pop into their minds while they’re writing the story and if you mention it during the interview, you get a chance to plant a seed.
I’m not saying it will necessarily take root, language doesn’t work that way, but you can plant it.

An annoyance of unicyclists.

I would go with buttload, or maybe bunch.

i like ‘posse’ of unicyclists. :slight_smile:

In view of our association, desired or not, with that bloody music, perhaps an “Entrance of Unicyclists”, or (in Dame Edna Everage accent) a “Gladdie of unicyclists”.

Incidentally, the composer of Entrance of the Gladiators was Julius Fucik. What an unfortunate surname. One could politely suggest to whistlers of the tune that they “fucik off”.



most people have agreed in past threads that wobble is the best term.

Yes, I think we democratically agreed on Wobble. Now there must be a more imaginative term for non-unicyclists than non-unicyclists. Something slightly rude but more funny than insulting. Any offers. I can’t think of anything really appart from LOOOOOOSERS.



Wobble pwns

Wobble. Great. I’ll work on becoming egg-shaped. :roll_eyes:

A sulk of non-unicyclists?

The unicyclically challenged?

I most certainly did no such thing!
And will prove my democratic credentials by flatly refusing to knuckle down to The Wobbling Man.

Onward “A Balance of Unicyclists”!!

amen to that!

But isn’t that what democracy is about? Decisions are made because the ‘majority’ want them (or not enough people can be bothered to vote against them, or something). The individual/minority is nowhere. Sorry Mr Wobbly.


Pretty much. But I have to admit to doing my utmost to undermine the majority by tirelessly working to promote ‘balance’.