his least favourite chracter is… JEWbacha lol.
well I find it kinda weird nobody has made a post about mel gibson and his antics, and if someone has oh well. anywys what is your view on this?
his least favourite chracter is… JEWbacha lol.
well I find it kinda weird nobody has made a post about mel gibson and his antics, and if someone has oh well. anywys what is your view on this?
haha that was kind of funny
I wasn’t gonna come in here until I say the JEWbacha thing.
It’s not his fault, the Jews made him do it. They are all powerful you know.
The middle east on the brink of world war three, the US and the UK riding rough shod over world opinion, and the three main monotheistic religions bound into eternal conflict by centuries of distrust and bigotry… The drunken rantings of an overpaid entertainer, or his self indulgent apology and “plea for help” are way down the list of priorities.
Not a bad cartoon, though. That missile looks very Freudian.
If only.
But I don’t get the joke. There wasn’t any character in Star Wars called Jewbacha that I recall.
people get drunk all the time.
Actions speak louder than words! You either forgiven him or you don’t. Did you forgive Jesse Jackson when he referred to the jewish community as “Hymie town”? And he made that remark SOBER!
oh this whole matter is just pathetic. if he really hated them he wouldnt keep it to himself, as the whole point of bigotry is to outwardly oppress and destroy the group targeted. i think he should watch where he drinks his absynthe. and im (supposed to be) jewish!
Your on the outs. I checked. I can try to get you back in, but you know how hard that can be. You have to go back to Synagogue for starts.
He was the big harry guy with a kipa.
Have you read what Mel actually said? Give it a week, all will be forgotten. You’re trying to use this as an excuse to bash liberals.
You know, I’m still trying to figure out if I’m a communist or part of the international banking conspiracy.
I still have one of those, it just hasn’t been out of the drawer for a couple of decades.
His statements mean nothing.
I knew he was crazy before he said anything.
you want crazy? Michael Moore, Al Franken, Martin Sheen, or Ward Churchill, who compared the victims in the Twin Tower to “little Eichmanns." The list is plentyful. They spew hatred, bigotry and ignorance openly and unashamedly.
I love how you make any excuse to bash liberals. Is Mel Gibson even some how connected to conservatism to sucha degree where you see jokes about this incident as having a liberal agenda?
I don’t get it.
I didn’t say they weren’t crazy, I just said that Mel Gibson is crazy.
While I agree mostly with Michael Moore, I’m not particularly fond of his style. He is confrontational and divisive in my opinion making enemies more readily than encouraging dialogue.
Al Franken is a comedian and his style necessarily includes sarcasm and poking fun. I listen to him regularly on Air America Radio and while he definitely mocks he does not spew hate or bigotry and is anything but ignorant.
Ward Churchill is a minor figure in all this and while many on the left agree with him that it is impossible to avoid the truth that the behavior of the United States around the world necessarily resulted in a 9/11 reasonable people on the left do not believe that the individual victims of that violence brought it on themselves.
The idea that Martin Sheen spews hatred, bigotry and ignorance is laughable.
how about lynn cheney? how about a father taking his own daughters rights away? if thats not bigotry i dont know what is.
It’s painfully clear that most liberals only fault conservatives and those who disagree with them, and much the same can be said of the conseravtives. I’m intellectually honest enough to admit when BOTH sides are wrong, imo. Besides, I’m more of an independant, and currently I don’t like either party!