What if someone died?

Old thread, but bringing it back anyway.

I’ve been thinking of this a bit too. I’m thinking of leaving clues or directions to a place where I keep my passwords and a letter or something asking my parents or my siblings to post something online for me. I’d probably put something in my wallet to ask too.
I don’t know too many people on here personally and I don’t really talk to them much on any place other than the forums, so I doubt anyone would really notice my disappearance if anything happened.


If I died, I wouldn’t really want the news being spread all over teh intornetz but I’d be dead so I really wouldn’t care.
But I’d rather only my friends here were told, so probably just a post in MR and a few PMs to other members who don’t frequent MR…

It actualy has happened. I’m sure there are a few dead accounts here. I know of one from Ottawa. Scott (Hecklar) died just before New Years Eve. He is still very missed as he was probably one of the most active riders in Ottawa, he wasn’t amazing but he probably joined us for more rides than anyone else.

I was wondering aswell because originaly it was a rumour that he had died, then we checked his facebook account a couple days later and someone had posted details of the funeral on his wall.

I think Death will slow down the news alot but it will come out eventualy. It also depends on how close they were to the people posting on the forum or to other groups they were a member of. Because non of us knew his family it took a couple days to get info on his death and even then we never got the full story.

well ppl in groups are all well and good, but what about me? i am all alone out here. the closest person to me is koebwil and i have never actually met him. what if i die, will i even be missed?

I have told everyone that when I die I wish to be buried with my butt sticking up out of the ground - so people could park their unicycles when they come to visit.


Good luck with 3 inch tires, even worse a monster uni!

I think some should just change the MR thread to
MR in honor of _____

That way you would be remembered forever of the site :smiley:


OUCH, oh wait you’d be dead thus couldn’t feel the pain.
I plan not to die, its sounds slow boring and depressing, so I’ve decided I’m imortal:p So unlucky you un-imortal people!!

I would feel happy that I left behind a few videos that viewers seemed to enjoy, made some great friends along the way, and that for the most part I [hopefully] contributed something positive to this community. :slight_smile:

more than a few videos almost 100 isnt it?? you could join the imortal club lol:p then you can make more videos and make an enormous contribution to us silly unicyclists:D

My recent head trauma has brought this topic up a bit more frequently in my life than ever before, and on a very personal level. My mom and I were talking a bit about this last night, actually; about how, since she and my sister were on the West coast (3hrs away), she didn’t know if I’d be alive by the time they got here. Recieving a phone call from a nurse, telling you that your son/brother was being helicoptered to a neurosurgeon & staff for an immediate operation to reduce chances of vegetation and death.

Everybody keeps on telling me how lucky I am to be where I am, and I can’t even remember the incident or the 3 days (hospitalized) following my fall+surgery…and then I was there in a hospital bed for another 3 days, watching tv and laying down, doing nothing.

…So for some reason (yes, it may seem strange), I don’t really know how to “feel” about the entire incident…Am I the same as I was before? I “feel” and “think” a bit differently about all sorts of things now (different being key). Most of my opinions/knowledge/things that I know have not “changed”, but the way that I think about them has. It’s difficult to explain exactly what I mean by this,.

Most of the people that I run into tell me about how they know (or know of) people who have been in similar (or worse) accidents and have lost much more than I have. One of the older guys (65+ish) that I know was telling me about a friend of his who, when they were in their 40’s or so, drove his motorcycle off the road and hit a tree, resulting in major head trauma. He was immobile (unconscious) until morning, when a little girl on her way to school saw him, and to tell her mother (a nurse). He cannot remember between the ages of 13 and [however old he was when he had his accident]. He didn’t remember his wife, his children, or anything after the age of 13(ish)!

My chiropractor told me today about a friend of his (also a chriopractor) who was in one of his final years of schooling, and almost at the point of starting his practice, when he was in a car accident and had fractured part(s) of his prietal bone and occipital bone, resulting in his loss of speech. He had to re-learn how to talk!

I basically just:
-Forgot three days.
-Hurt my back by messing with the curvature of my spine a bit between the lumbar and thoracic sections, and can’t quite move or do things the way I normally, painlessly would.
-Lost some hearing in my right ear.
-Have a sore right jaw bone.
-Have a long and not-so-nice-looking scar on my head now.

I guess it is sort of lucky.
But I can’t “feel” that luck.
I don’t really know how to feel.

It’s all strange not knowing if you’re the same person as you were 3 weeks ago, or how to react to all of this new information that you’re being pummeled with.

Oh, and ntappin is probably right about Facebook/MySpace being the only way any of you would find out if I’ve died. Hopefully Friday’s CT Scan shows everything as normal, because I don’t really want any more bad news.

Maybe if I die Jacquie will create an account and do the same. She knows I spend too much time in here… Beyond that, I’ll do my best to not die at all, at least until well after any of you cares what happens to me. :slight_smile:

But you are different, in that you have experienced a near-death event. Something like this should be expected to change your perspective on things. Usually this seems to come out as a positive experience for people, in terms of having a better appreciation for each day of their lives. I have not experienced this, but have heard about it from many others.

Sometimes it’s so much easier for people outside of us to understand things that are less obvious to ourselves. Ask yourself if you would rather be dead or alive. Not sure? Then the above makes sense. If you’re pretty sure you would rather be alive, think again about whether you feel lucky.

You’re alive! You can continue to learn and grow (and make mistakes) and experience things. Bad stuff can happen to anyone, sometimes randomly. On a much smaller scale, six months ago I crashed my Coker and fractured my clavicle. It will never be the same again. I just hope it will heal to something close to as strong as the original. Especially since I’m doing more high speed unicycling than ever in training for RTL. The accident’s happened, so I have no chance to change it. I warned everybody else to keep a close eye on their shoelaces, so hopefully I can help prevent it happening to others, but otherwise I have to live with it.

The world is trying to kill you. It is indifferent to your fate. It’s up to you to make the effort to survive, and be happy for each successive birthday you get to celebrate. As you get older you will know more and more people who have died. Simple statistics. Makes you think.

OK, I read the above before reading the quote to which it pertains. Wow! Talk about being out of context. If you die, why would Jackie create an account and then also die? Well, I’m a bit superstitious (don’t tell Reverend Billy), so knock-on-wood. Let’s not jinx anyone! Everyone stay alive and well!

I was actualy thinking about this the other day, I saw a post from unibikling and it just reminded me of unibiker…It does make you wonder how long it would take to find out…Like if I were to fall doing 360 unispins next to a ciff and die…how would my friends and those on the forums find out…The first on the forums to know would be Spencer of course, but how long would word take even to get to those you know…

If I died, I know a few unicyclist around me would know. Mike and Zach would be the first, but they hardly go on here much. Phil, who suddenly decided to start posting more wouldnt find out until later, cause we dont have as much contact going back and forth sometimes. But im sure once he found out, hed say something in MR.

If that didnt happen, I know either Madison or Jackie would try calling me some day after my death and find out, and I know in a heartbeat those two would be on the forums letting evreyone know whats up. At least Id want them to.

But, the quickest way would be through my sisters, I know they would both be posting stuff on myspace, and my 2nd mom would put something on hers too, and from there it would spread pretty quickly.

As of this past Sunday, I have already stolen one of Harper’s unicycles. This is a good thing…now he need not die.

It also reminds me of one of my mottos in college: “If you’re going to get busted for stealing food from a grocery store, make sure you’re stealing steak.” If you’re going to steal a unicycle from Harper, make sure you steal Blueshift.

For those of you that don’t know Cody, that exact thing is fairly likely to happen to him. And without a helmet he’ll never survive! :smiley:

See Cody sitting on the helmet-eating cliff (strong, gusty winds) at the end of the Amasa Back trail, Moab. For scale, check out the Colorado River, a road and a train down there. BTW I hope to get my Moab pictures posted soon…

doesn’t anyone care?