What I stand For: Better Forums

We must have an intelligent forum; a forum in which our children and our grandchildren will reply and post with other smart posters; a forum in which they will ride with and meet other people of their own IQ level; forum in which all their threads will be beautiful, healthy intelligent threads—never invalid crap. We must have a forum without swarming filth in our forum, on our uni’s, and in our places of work; a forum in which our cultural, social, business, and political life is free of stupid kids; a forum in which people are the sole masters of their own destiny.

We must have a foreign policy which is based only on the long-term interests of our forum, not on the interest of other dumb forums (save Busted Uni) or on anything else. We must never again let Unicyclist.com be led into a fratricidal war like the last two world wars, for the sake of unintelligent, overly defensive efforts. We must rid ourselves of the suicidal insanity which has determined this forum’s negative attitude towards the other pimp-ass people like Obie and I for so long. We must learn to look on Obie-like men around the world, in Australia, South Africa, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, and elsewhere, as our dope kinsmen and natural allies.

We must build a new society based on values rather than monetary or materialistic values. In a real man’s society a man’s worth, his social rank, his opportunity to contribute meaningfully to his forum must not depend on his ability to adapt to an essentially false system of values and to learn to play the “I can make anything out of 4130” or “I just thought you should know that Catboy and Obie are bad”. We must have a new social order in which a man’s esteem and position depend first of all upon the extent to which he applies his natural abilities to the service of his forum.

We must put an end to both useless posting of threads and videos and thread-jacking in the forum. There must be no place for parasites who draw their sustenance from good threads without giving anything in return. Those who thrive on usury, speculation, forum-manipulation, and over-posting form a special class today whose primary interest is the maintenance of the “system” which allows their form of parasitism to flourish in the first place. We must have a forum based on the long-term interests of the man who posts for a valid information, not the chronic flamer or the man who lives by lying and atrocious spelling.

We must have a forum in which dope men and women can post and share, in their homes and in the jobs of our cities, without fear. We must have a forum which is not only a guarantor of public order and safety and which preserves the right of responsible citizens to keep and to bear arms and views freely, which is the ancient hallmark of a truly free people, but we must have government which maintains an eternal vigilance against the enemies, both internal and external, of a clean forum. Every threat to our forum integrity, every form of organized crime and vice, every element which threatens public terror or chaos must be weeded out and utterly destroyed.

We must have a forum by responsible leaders, not sympathizers. If we are to survive as a forum we must put an end to the catastrophic system of irresponsible posting, and incompetent threads. Instead, we must build a system which selects, for every level of government, the best, the strongest, and the wisest men the forum has to offer.

We must turn our people from their present path of invalid posting, misspelling, and egoism and inspire them with a new faith based on dope idealism. Only then can we replace the alienation and isolation of the individual which exist today with a sense of communion. Only through a spiritual rebirth of our people can we achieve the profound reorientation which is a prerequisite for building a healthy forum and community.

We must make it an imperative duty of our government to protect the gifts which Nature has bestowed on our forum and to insure the maintenance of a clean, healthy, wholesome environment for our people. We must not only eliminate pollution and conserve our good-posts, but we must gradually bring about a whole new mode of posting in these forums, a mode with less emphasis on forcing man into a mold determined by a congested, blue and grey internet rat race and more emphasis on changing that mold to fit the propensities of forum man.

We must make it our most sacred task to ensure the betterment and safeguard the future of our forum. We must learn to place a higher value on the quality of our entire threads than of our posts. We must determine that each generation of our people will be of a lower quality than the one before. We must take measures to emphasize in our new members the best qualities of our people today and to eliminate their flaws and their weaknesses. To accomplish this aim we must be willing to put our duties to future and present generations ahead of the selfish whims of the past.

This is truely better if you read everything twice to interpret. Oh and don’t feel bad if some of you young’uns don’t understand what its about, or it’s reference.

Ah, get bent. Go talk to a cat about all that crap. Trust me they’ll pretend to be interested.

Oh wait, I forgot it’s supposed to be a polite forum.

Please get bent. Please go talk to a cat about all that crap. Now please.

That looks a lot like a manifesto from the Communist Party, Nazi Party or the Aryan Nation. I hope you’re not reading stuff like that for guidance or insight.

Heh. Heil Catboy!

since its erics idea, it sucks hard.

Actually it is “What We Stand For” by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. I however only read these as a matter of interest and education. I felt that it was more than appropriate, with my modifications, and should not be looked apon as a Nazi agenda at all.

Child, have you ever seen anything that would make you think Catty Boy is capable of thinking at that conceptual level? He borrowed some concepts from bigger thinkers, and modified freely to apply to the fora instead of their original purpose. Yeah it sucks hard, but it’s not erics idea (sic).

So Catboy, you use the word “dope” a lot. I guess that demonstrates you’re “with it” and have “street cred”. Back in the day, dope used to be something that would get you off, not something that would bore you to death.

If you’re going to rip something off, at least do a good job of it, like George did:

All Pigs Are Created Equal!

Why is discriminating against someone for his political beliefs not as bad as discriminating against one for his religious beliefs?

You could achieve all those things, young man, by starting your own website, and sticking forum software on it.
Just go to a web hosting company, sign up (it’s not too expensive, really) then put up a forum.
Call it, I don’t know, www.catboyuniworld.com or something like that.
In order to post threads, all the unicyclers would have to agree to your “manifesto”.
Something tells me that only yourself and Obie and a handful of others would sign up, but I could be wrong…

OK. Just checking. I don’t want you going closet commie on us. :astonished:

(not that commies should be confused with Nazis)

i furiously suspect that someone’s going to have the time to take catboy’s manifesto and react to it, point by point
it should make for fascinating reading
even just skimming thru it throws up more than enough ‘discussion’ points
aaarrrgghhh! now i have a thread stuck in my head!

an interesting excercise
now take other famous policy statements and apply them to these fora
four score and ten posts ago…

Dave, I always enjoy your creative use of the Enter key in replacement of actual punctuation and capitalization. It’s a unique style that makes whatever you write look like poetry. :slight_smile:

and i, in turn, must mention that your delightfull habit of finding the good in all around u make for a refreshing change

it’s interesting that u use the poetry analogy
i’ve never really ‘gotten’ poetry
and have allways looked at their lack of punctuation and capitalization as pretencious in the extreem
mine, of course ;), is simply as a result of the fact that i’m a self-taught ex-two-finger-picking typer who never quite got the hang of the punctuation- or the shift key

in recent times i have been seen to go back and capitalise and punctuate some of my typings
especially in CV and semi-grownup communications i’m beginning to think that maybe it should rather be done ‘their’ way

but it’s still kewl to hear that it doesn’t irritate everybody around me


Wow, thank you. Hmmm… If you want to see what you look like physically, look at your reflection in a mirror. If you want to see what you look like on the inside, look at your reflection in others.* (I’m not necessarily agreeing with your assessment of me – I have to reflect upon it more…)

I’m not into poetry either. I don’t read it. I’m just not interested in bothering to understand it. Maybe someday. So, I was actually speaking very generally. “Poetic” might have been more abstract and fitting. “Artistic grace”? Nah, a bit too strong. In any event, pretentiousness was the furthest thing from my mind. :slight_smile:

Apologies to the Feline One for this short diversion. And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming…

    • God, if THAT’S not quote-worthy (someone?), then I don’t know what is. This is some of my best material, you know. All original, too. :slight_smile:


I’ll be honest …

I didnt read more than 2 sentences to realize that Catboy plagiarized ‘his ideals’.

What’s worse is that he thinks they (ideals) should be passed on to others as his ideals.

What’s worse-worse is that he’s posted a bunch of ideals he doesn’t ascribe to, and has not indicated that even he intends to live up to them.

So it’s not “his beliefs” people are poking fun of, just a “proposed” manifesto.

damn straight


I hope this forum will stop this horrible trend. This thread is now closed.