What have you done with your dremel???

You could work for Google Streets with that get-up. J/K nice job.

I used a dremel a lot when I was modding my Yamaha Roadstar Warrior. The two that really stand out were grinding the rear peg mounts so that I could flip them to lower the passenger pegs and the other task was grinding off the tank mount after I relocated the fuel line break to under my tank. People thought I was nuts to do those jobs with dremel (thick metal) but the dremel just kept grinding hour after hour.

I’m with the person above who said what can’t you do with a dremel?

Haha! You just make me remember of a Duck Tape thing… The duck tape pros asked people what they though would be impossible to repair with only Duck Tape, and a guy asked them << How can you stop someone loving Duck Tape using only Duck Tape?>> And they didn’t know…

Anyway, last week I finally done the shape of my Carbon Seat Stiffener! I still have to drill the holes in it and try it on a seat:)