When trees grow they trap carbon. When they’re burned or rot, they release it again as carbon-dioxide (CO2).
If new trees are planted to replace the ones you burn the new trees trap the same amount of carbon that the old ones released when they where burned.
With gas there is nothing to eat up the CO2.
You know there’s an important aspect of GW that has been overlooked; at least I haven’t noticed it mentioned. The world population has exploded by a factor of FOUR since 1900! (doubled TWICE!) As of 1999, the figure stood at 6 BILLION with conservative projections of 9-11 billion by 2050!
Simply stated that means that with so many BILLIONS more humans inhabiting the planet, more resources, natural and man-made, are being used and consumed. The bigger the flame, the faster the water will boil! :p:D:) :o
my truck is an old 4X4 but more out of saving my wallet than saving the environment i try to drive only when going out of town. people think im crazzy for geting groceries with my cargo bike or unicycling to school (especaly in the winter).
I am taking a two year Forest Ecosystems Technology course at so i can help form ecosystem based management plans for the forestry industry helping keep harvest sustanable and environmentaly sensitive.
For work, I drive a vehicle with a 14.6L diesel engine that averages roughly 4-5mpg on it’s good days. But it does get some valuable work done.
I don’t buy the whole global warming thing.
As far as conservation, I absolutely think it’s necessary and appropriate. And there have been huge steps taken as far as fuel goes. That is in the form of E85 and biodiesel. Both are renewable for the most part, drastically reducing the dependence on our non-renewable resources.
I realize the claim is that everyone is in agreement on the global warming thing and that humans are to be blamed in whole or at least in major part. But to me, the whole program just smacks too much of and seems to be fueled by liberal and tree-hugging views that humans are the blight of the earth and should be eliminated. Too many people slobber worship all over mother earth and I see it plainly as misdirected worship.
I also think that the earth has been around awhile. It has already been through some stuff through the ages and has survived and will survive well into the future. The earth is a big boy and can take care of itself. Sure I agree that we need to be conservative with our resources, reduce pollution for the sake of our health and the health of the earth, treat our gifts with respect, and all of the above. But when I’m told that I’m evil because I choose to drive a big truck and start my charcoal with lighter fluid, I tend to get a little defensive.
Oh, by the way, it’s a Chevy Avalanche.
Oh, Billy. For all your intelligence, sometimes I think you are too intelligent for your own good. I suspect you are jerking my chain a little here with redirection of my intented message and misquoting my words. In some places, slander is a crime. But since you’re a mountain and obviously have rocks in your peak, I’ll humor you and just laugh along.
As I mentioned, I think conservatism is a great responsibility for us all. But there are things in life that I see as amenities for me to use so I use them…responsibly. Since I don’t agree that the earth may suddenly spontaneously combust at any moment because it’s heating up, I choose not to participate in the frenzy to save the earth at the expense of my life.
(the opinions stated above may not accurately reflect the opinions of this station or the people it represents)