what have you done to stop contributing to global warming?

Good quote. Less talk, more action!
If you’re worried about global warming, what have you done about it?
What are you planning to do?
What can people, regular people like you and me, do?
Any tips on how to make the world cooler?

(Never mind who or what you believe to have caused global warming. There are other threads about that.)

I’m planning to probably follow a career in making more efficient axial flow engines, I figure that this will actually do far more than i could ever do by changing my life style.

Oh and I don’t use any kind of motorised transport for six months of the year.

Here’s what my household does…I admit, we could do more.

First, we only drive small cars, no SUVs or minivans in our driveway. I, like you, need my car to run my business, (it’s a 97 Honda Civic - 35mpg) but I almost never start it otherwise. I do all the errands I can using pedal power, including grocery shopping with my bike trailer. It makes feel good when I pedal past someone loading their groceries into their Suburban, but makes my effort seems futile, at the same time.

We keep our house set cool in the winter, and have no AC for the summer. We buy mostly local food that hasn’t had fuel expended to get it to us, including all our produce from a local organic farm. Oh, and we don’t eat beef.

I write letters to the editor extolling virtues of fuel conservation and touting those candidates whom I believe will address these pressing problems. I work on the campaigns of these candidates, as well.

No worries here, mate. I’m all for conservation of natural resources but not for the purpose of trying to prevent a natural cycle of the earth.

SUVs? Love 'em. Charcoal grilled burgers? Love 'em even more.

I dont do much since im only a minor. I dont drive anywhere and get a carpool anytime i need to go somewhere late or far away. I bike or unicycle to school and everywhere else everyday. Theres not much else i can do at this point but i try to turn off lights when they arent needed.

Today’s warming is happening MUCH more rapidly than any previous period shown in 500,000 years of ice-core samples. Like 10 times more rapidly. Also, following global cycles, the earth should be in a cooling period right now. And, if this is a naturally occuring warming trend, there would be an observable reason for it, and the only observable reason for warming is currently the rapid buildup of CO2 and CH4 by humans in since the industrial age.

If you need an SUV because of a big family or your job, enjoy it. Otherwise, consider a vehicle which sips and doesn’t guzzle.

No offense Steve, but sorry, I just don’t accept it.

I would consider a smaller vehicle if I had to commute to work a long distance but only because it would save me money. But since I have a short commute and am willing to pay for the gas, I love my big truck.

None taken, Bruce. But is there some reason you doubt the conclusions of 99% of the climate scientists in the world?

What kind of truck is it? Wait, a short commute?!? Why not ride the 36er to work?

I have stopped farting.

Besides global warming, are you at all worried about the Earth’s natural oil supply running out?

99%? That’s a lot of credible scientists to have come up with a conclusion towards human influenced global warming. My assumption as to why people easily say this is due to logical fallacies. It might be easy to say that scientists agree that there have been a few hot summers, therefore they agree that global warming exists, but this is not the case. They may agree that global warming exists, but this is an invalid argument because one can know that there has been trend in increasing temperatures but still think that global warming doesn’t exist. Logical fallacies seem logical, but they really aren’t. My sig has a fallacy actually, but it is quite obvious to spot the error.

I think this should be a bigger issue compared to global warming.

What am I doing to stop global warming? I’m trying to fix my jeep. :smiley:

I’m glad to see that my question (posted in the other GW thread) was finally posted in this new thread.

Us too! Only move the car on weekends for shopping. Uni and pub transport everywhere else.

The devil-may-care attitude of someone who would have promiscuous sex without protection, in denial of the research…

“Woman burgers? Love 'em even more. Live for today!!” --Yoopers

We drive a car everywere. We have to. The nearest gas station is 15 miles away, the nearest wal-mart is 50+ miles away.
Boo hoo.

Yeah. The earth is .7 degrees C warmer now then it was 100 years ago. Wow.

There is plenty of oil in places like Alaska, if we would just drill there…

With you, I don’t even argue. Let’s just ride our unis, 'kay?


I need a coker though…

And I need a KH24, but as my sagely wife would say “‘need’ is a funny word”.:smiley:

A big part of my motivation has to do with conservation of resources too. Another not insignificant part has do with lowering bills.

That is noble of you. When you explode it will have been for a good cause.

Oops. I must have missed that.

I just thought of something…

We only have a woodstove to heat our house. Nothing else. So what’s worse, using natrual gas to heat all winter, or burning who know’s how many hundreds of trees?

Just curious.

Yes, and I’m afraid I wouldn’t give a coker as much attention as it would deserve…

Harper’s gonna explode soon! Run!