What grips for KH T-Bar?

I can’t imagine that something like the rubber grips available for the T-7 would fit. I bought cork grip tape but it doesn’t fit snugly with the sculptured shape of the bar ends. I don’t really want the front to end up looking all bandaged and ugly. Any solutions?

Replace the standard bar ends that come with it, those short ones aren’t comfortable. You should be able to fit any handlebar grips on to the bar ends, just use some soapy water or windex to get them on and cut the excess.

I use gloves. Don’t know about the rest of you, but I really like those bar-ends the way they are. The thumb slots are cool, and the couple of times I’ve dropped it, it barely shows a mark. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time on the ground-contacting area, but so far so good…

Yeah I like wearing gloves too. I like the shape of the bar ends but they’re beginning to look pretty gnarled now. Unfortunately UDC don’t seem to sell spare parts. I just want something to protect them.

They fit; they’re just really difficult to put on!


What grips are those? Are they customised?

They’re refular bmx grips I cut down. Really a pain to get on, but at leat they won’t slip off or “creep” like my old foam grips that are in my coker pi bar. :slight_smile:

I used to use cloth tape on drop bars for mountain biking, holds up pretty well. if it gets dirty, then use sneaker white to touch it up. my favorite grips are OURY, and they should fit unless the odd shape leaves them flacid and dangling. (or is that the problem.) The best way to get grips on and keep them on is a spritz of aqua net hairspray!

Cheers guys, useful stuff to know :slight_smile: