Im guessing that everyone has more than one hobbie, otherthatn unicycling?
I skimboard, bodyboard, swim, sail, bike, snowmobile, dirtbike, boat, rock climb, play guitar, and windsurf!!
i swim and unicycle
Biking, boating and im going to get in to sailing and I wood carve o and i like to build stuff and work on cars stuff like that
Other than unicycling, I’m a major nerd. I enjoy mostly gaming and 3d Modelling.
And chillaxing, too. That’s a big one.
unicycling and mountain biking are my 2 biggest hobbies
i also like volleyball, rubiks cubes, computers, movies, and video games.
Unicycling, tricycle and MTB and hand-drawings are my favourite.
Other than unicycling…shooting, Mountain biking, fishing, dirtbiking, hunting(is that with shooting?), Hmmm…I think that’s about it…wait no, I do play Tennis too!
When you ride your tricycle, do you get a lot of comments?
I got red-eared sliders (turtles), tropical freshwater fish, aquatic plants, like psychology, politics, travel.
Well, I hope to be unicycling shortly, but other than that.
HTML/web/graphic design
i mostly unicycle and bc wheel…but i still suk at bcing…
My hobbies are: juggling, poi spinning, fire swinging, club swinging, Karate, Psychology, reading.
skateboarding, juggling (im including all the sub divisions), Mountain biking, camping, reading, pogo sticking, being lazy, building stuff
Ski 4-12 times a year in Utah
Work out
Mountian bike 4-12 times a year in Utah too.
I also swim, juggle,swim,bike, weight train and I also go trikking
I’m a classical saxophonist, in addition to juggling and rubik’s cube-ing.
Swim, Trumpet, Unicycle… And I’m also addicted to reading health books, I want to be a surgeon.
I Uni, road ride, surf, drive… and thats about it.
Distance running, lots of football/soccer and some guitar playing. In summertime I also like to drive with our boat. (Buster L)
Insert swinging joke here.