well the most notorious difference between australian and canadian is that there is an exchange between "bldy" and “f****n”…
(well, for sure, Canadians are not dealing with KangaBldyRoos:p )
-I have a real story about that but I can’t tell it here with teens lurking around;) -
No need, her recording is the one called “Mee”.
Add yours?
PM me.
Really? I always viewed Aussies as similar to Brits: two countries that are united by a really great and similar sense of humour. Modern alternative humour ( alternative to humour?) excepted.
The Canadians seem quiet, unobtrusive and very rarely seem to get mentioned at all by the rest of the world. I met one once.
Unless people go looking many find it hard to get past the “cut down trees” stereotype.
The human race is a species so incredibly intelligent that it has invented
Gods to explain anything it does not understand…although my friend Dave
said no amount of Gods will ever explain how a bra can be removed without
disturbing the T-shirt. I told him the process is called a Moebius strip.
The other side of the T-shirt remains unreachable.
Apologies Wobbly, but I confess that that made me giggle and almost choke on my coffee. I’ll send you the cleaning bill for one pair of trousers
Things that spring to mind:
South park movie (Blame Canada being a very well written and hugely satirical look at passing the buck)
The fact that they still look to the Queen for ruling (as do Australia).
And strangely The Lumberjack Song. Maybe cos it mentions British Columbia.
It’s probably 2nd in my list of places I’d move to if I had to move abroad (New Zealand being top, usually)
Andrew: CLose but you’re mistaken.
I once offended someone from New Zealand by suggesting he was from Australia. He said that’s like saying a Canadian is from the USA. Australia, USA, Britain all jump into war easily, while Canada and NZ are more peaceful.
And as a mountain, I’ve got some truly beautiful cousins in Canada (I don’t think Ethyl or Blake would mind me saying so…).
“No Pixel Limits. Free the Unicyclist Avatar!”
That would be “Ya, you betcha.”
One of the coolest accents, probably second to the Aussies.
Paul Bunyan.
Good Muni territory.
my opinions were formed after watching bowling for columbine
Yeah, a great place for burglars.
Good greif, and I thought Paul Bunyan was primarily a Minnesota thing. He is the creator… of all our lakes here in Minnesota.
who or which? please note that my wife does not teaches english to ME!
(apologies to my mother who was also an english teacher )
I hear plenty of Canadian accent with my wife being from northern Michigan and my Canadian grandparents. My wife mostly hides her accent, but she still says “bag” so that it is closer sounding to “beg” than I’m used to. Has anyone else noticed that, or is it just my wife?
I was born in Montreal and benefit from the double nationality (french/canadian) but since my parents were born in France (they got nationalised when living in canada) and came back to France when I was 4 years old, I don’t consider me as a Canadian…
To answer the thread question I consider canadians like people whose major goal is “good/healthy way of life”. But as I didn’t have the opportunity to go back to this beautiful country, this is only supposition.
paul is totally a minnesota thing.
i am going to have to agree with Gilby on that one.
point and case,
we minnesotians get to claim paul.
as for what i think of when i hear canada…
mounties - although i am not sure if they still exist.
milk in a bag
another country that is closest to me and yet i have never been there.
and my friend Joel who was obsessed with Canada. i never figured out why…
Do tell. Where in da U.P.?
Actually, the yooper accent and dialect is similiar to that of our Canadian brothers and sisters, but has very distinct traits and idiosyncracies common only to the U.P.
When I was a ‘young adult’ my best friend went to live in cananda. So I think of Canada as either a place that ‘stole’ my best mate, or the wonderful place where she went to live.
And where the winters are way colder than they are here.
I do not say aboot. Its about. Pronounced as ‘a-boat’ correct?
I realize this was a late reply to toddw9’s maritimers post. Although what he says is partially true. Ive heard people say aboot… but Im pretty sure its only used if youre a back woods maritimer… or from NFLD… or Cape Breaton too… but yes.
Eh on the other hand… is a very handy word.
“mounties - although i am not sure if they still exist.
milk in a bag”-dorkybarb
mounties are still around but they only dress in the funny costumes for formal events like the changing of the guards, the rest of the time they look like regular cops
do you guys not have milk in a bag?