what does the rest of the world think of canadians?

when someone says Canada what pops into your head. just wondering if its what we think that you guy think :thinking:


I generally think of Canadians as Americans with better access to healthcare, without nuclear weapons, and owning an extra parka each.

One Canadian in particular, Frederick Banting, is a hero of mine. Someday I plan on leaving flowers at his grave.

Family. My heritage on my dad’s side is Canadian.

Yeah, me too.

Thats what I was going to say;)

My grandma is from Toronto, I don’t think that has to do with anything though…


haha. “eh” or “you know” comes to mind alot. “you know” might be more of a minnesotian (MN) thing

i generally think of canadians as the “peaceful neighbors up north.”

I usually visualize Terrence and Phillip, as they are the two most awesome Canadians to ever live.

And the word “aboot”.

usually when you hear “you know” its coming from an english speeking french person eh? lol… no but seiously i use eh quite abit… its kinda like hey but its lazy lol

wow thats the funniest 2 people i’ve ever hear of… if you havent heard of em check em out. and its about just take “out” and but “ab” on it

Shouldn’t this be posted in French, as well? :smiley:

i say that alla time!
aboot. tee hee!

sweet accent
awesome people

you should hear a Canadian say “oot and aboot.”

Similar to Australians in a lot of ways.

Kris Holm

Yeah, you betcha.

I always think “Canadians are Great People, eh.”

I like the accent. I can understand the use of “eh” also, considering New Zealanders are notorious for replacing the canadian “eh” with the kiwi “aye” - youknowwhattI mean aye?

generally the east coasters talk like that, but gets less pronounced as you move west. I can hear it a bit in the ontarians still though.
Somebody phone Kristine, i’m sure she talks all funny like that;) (or any other maritimers for that matter, i don’t know how many there are on this site).

last week my wife (which is an english teacher) asked her students: “which is the largest state in the US?”… answer from one student: “Kanada” :roll_eyes: