Wut does everyone have to edit there videos? I have something called pinnacle which works fine but I dont have the disk so I cant put it into slow mo or do anything fancy besides crop it and add music. Also does anyone one know of something thats cheap and has lots of features to edit videos? Also can you edit movies with quiktime or is that just wut the finished product is under like mindowns media player?
I used to use Windows Movie Maker 2, but then stuff happened, my computer screwed it up, and now I can’t. Movie Maker works great in my opinion, it’s very easy to use.
If you have Windows XP, go to Start > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Windows Movie Maker
Then if you want movie maker 2, go to microsoft.com and do a search for Movie Maker. You can download it there.
But if you don’t have XP, you’ll probably need to buy one to find a decent program. I recommend Adobe Premiere, but it costs like a billion dollars. You can get pretty good ones, like Pinnacle, for around $80.
The production of Hazard has been using Power Director 3. It’s cheap (about 50$) and really nice. When the gallery is working the trailer for Hazard will be posted if interested in the ediitng ability of power director. Or if interested in our movie.
Of course you can. My friend got Premiere that way, and I got pinnacle. But I wasn’t planning on mentioning that method because of the small hinderance of it being illegal.
Interesting ya i have windows xp and windows movie maker 1 but it doesnt seem to have very many features does windows movie maker 2 have more things like slow mo?