So I think it will be cool to know what you guys think of the clowns and all that thing with the circus?
Personally I don’t like it because it shows the classic type of unicycling that most people know. When I try to show the other type of unicycling wich is extreme unicycling the non-rider call me clowns (and Im sure that im not the only one that have been call it like this) and I just hate it because unicycling isnt necesserly something with the circus.
They do what they do…We/I do what we/I do…If people confuse the two(assuming that you are not a clown)…too bad…I really have nothing against clowns…What would have your reaction been if you were not a unicyclist and you saw one riding down the street?
I would have not made a circus comment but that would probably be the first thing that I would have thought of…Its just the way our minds our conditioned…
it’s weird, when I joined this forum most people here were strongly anti-clown. I certainly was. but now it seems most people don’t care much about our circusy brethren. I certainly don’t.
I only wish people would broaden their horizons about unicycling. I can only now do things that can help them to see we’re not about clowning around (pun intended)
i respect clowns like i respect neurosurgeons
highly trained people doing stuff i think is pretty kewl and that i can’t do
the misconception about clowns and unicycles is not the clowns’ fault
hating them as a result makes no sense
if u don’t like them, fine
if u are going to offer a reason why, it might be worth finding one that makes sense
u don’t see supermodels hating clowns because of the 'stupid’t hngs they do with make-up, do u?
I agree that hating clows is a little too bad. They are simply doing their job.
Anyways, I think that you could hate any person who confuses unicycling with clowns. I usually tell them that some clowns ride unicycles, but that I see myself as a sportsman and not a clown.
i find that pointing out that the unicycle developed outside the circus is normally enough to make most people aware of the fact that they’ve been dealing in an unsupported misconception most of their lives
it’s normal for people to get a bit testy when u point out that something they’ve always believed is actually not true, so don’t belabour the point
if they really want to know more, they’ll ask
I’ll be doing my best to re-associate unicycling and clowns this summer as I do street performances that include juggling on my unicycle.
Sorry. (I freakin’ hate doing balloon animals though, it’s a shame their so good for profit)
I think deep down all unicyclists are performers. There are plenty of sports out there that don’t cause people to stare at you. Unicycling is not one of them, and I think deep down that’s what draws us to it. Part of it is the challenge, but lets face it, trials biking is harder than uni trials, and we’re not doing that instead. Freestyle and Street are all about performing, and no one commutes on a uni because they don’t like being stared at. Muni is probably the best exception, but lets face it, we like to be watched.
What people don’t realize is that to a clown a unicycle is just another prop. That’s like a clown spinning a basketball and people forever associating basketballs with clowns. As the “real” sport of unicycling gets off the ground people will stop associating it with clowns and it will be it’s own entity. After awhile a people will see a clown on a uni and think he’s borrowing it from the sport of Muni or street, just like he’s borrowing that basketball from the sport of basketball.