What do you think I should spend my cash on?

It’s coming up to my 37th birthday in a few days (yeah, I know), and I should be getting some cash.

I’m not that good yet at riding- level 0.5!- and I am torn. My main goal is just to ride, do some hops maybe, and have a laugh- I can go about 25 metres now, but can not as yet freemount.

My uni is one like this-


Should I either go for this uni on ebay-

which is 24", so I can go further (when I am capable)

or go for a new seat with a handle like this one-

So I have a seat which is comomfortable (mine is not) and have a handle to mess around with when I get there?

What do you think? Or even, and other ideas?

(I did think http://www.unicycle.uk.com/shop/shopdisplayproduct.asp?catalogid=780
but am unsure if this would help me go forwards)


Two wheels cool, 1 wheel harder

I think you should get the comfortable saddle, rather than a new unicycle when you haven’t yet mastered the one you have.

I am about your level(maybe 0.8). I can right straight, turn right, ride backwards next to a wall and hop(and fall off). I think it’s all about getting the most of what you have already and improving yourself and your equipment and not jumping from one uni to another. You said you just want to ride and have fun - that’s what you’ll get with the 20’(actually I don’t know about that particular unicycle, someone will fill in). Anyway, work on what you have, I say.

Besides, 24’ are more difficult to ride.

I say get the kris holm seat, it will help alot, and will help make you feel more comfortable. after you can ride anddo things then you might want to think of uprading the frame and wheel ect.

sell your old uni and get a Torker LX 24" or a KH uni

You can’t get Torkers in the UK, and a KH is about ten times the price of the two options listed in the original post!

I’ve ridden one of those sjs unis a few times as my Dad has one. A saddle upgrade would make more sense than buying that 24", which is probably not even as good as the uni you already have.

If you do get a new saddle you’ll probably be better off with this one rather than the KH, it’s a bit more up-to-date.

One thing about the uni you have is they have 140mm cranks, which is extremely long for a 20", and gives it a very twitchy ride. Upgrading to some 127mm or even 114mm cranks like these would probably benefit you even more than a saddle upgrade.

Also, unless you are very light be careful about hopping on that uni, it will not take much to bend that hub, and will be very expensive to replace, as you will need to get the wheel rebuilt.

can’t you get a Torker sent there from the US off ebay or someother place?

Yeah, and add a shedload to the price with the transatlantic shipping cost!

Thanks for all the advice- the seat is coming ou tthe winner, so I guess that’s the way I will go. My seat is a peice of concrete now anyway, so it will be nice to have something soft to fall off of!..

Thanks again!


You’re 37 and you get cash? That’s some system you’ve got goin’. Care to let me in on your secret? I haven’t even received a BDay present from my family in years!

Naw, my family are lazy; it saves them thinking giving me the cash.