what do you have?

Hey this may be a stupid but i was wondering what kinda unicycle do you have? i have a norco blue i put on a maxxis holy rider i think thats whats it called.

I have a 24" Qu-Ax Muni and a 20" Torker LX.

There is another thread like this already that I just updated which bumped it:

I ride a 05 KH24 with a 24x3 Duro tire. It’s been great for Muni’s, and verstile enough for trials/street.

My next will definately be a Coker. I am probably going with a 36x2 wheel.

what do i have? what do i have? i have a thing for amanda thats what i have!


I have a silvery one with a black tire and red pedals. Oh, and I have another silvery one but it has gray pedals. And a black tire and black spokes too. I like black spokes.

i have a Alex DX32 24" rim sitting in the basement with now frame tire or tube lol… also i have a… United? with lollipops(whatever it is it isn’t very good and i have a BIG wobble in my rim)

got any 24" frames for sale pm me

I have a cold. :frowning:

the mange.

An empty Jack in the Box wrapper. I miss my burger. :frowning:

doesnt that mean eat in french? or is there some inside joke that only THE blake knows? :wink:

It’s a disease animals (mostly dogs?) get were their hair falls off in clumps.

I think.

to try to steer this thread back in the right direction, i have a 24 inch torker cx 2004

I have two, a 16" MaxDaddy and a 29" Sem Deluxe.


Post some pictures.
I would like to see it.

Me too. And saving for a DX '06 of the same size, as you can see from my title line.

I have a Bedford BC Wheel, a Coker with airfoil rim and UDC extra wide hub and GB4 handle, and a KH20 trials with profile hub/cranks.

this is my craptacular norco which i painted red…heres before and after. the after is how it looks now. soon i will be getting a splined uni…probably a bedford.

Nimbus II 24" muni upgraded to a KH/Onza hub/kranks with Kona pedals, and my brand spankin’ new Bedford 20" trials uni with the kh/onza hub/kranks :smiley:

KH 04 Trials
Profile cranks
Miyata CF custom

Yuni 26’’
Profile cranks
Sun Doublewide
Custom airseat

Schwinn w/ every part except frame upgraded (I have a frame too, but I’ll need a new wheel)

Really old uni…