yes i did, it was in Marquette, Was anyone on this forum in Marquette lately?
Have fun taking them all off at the end of the day.
i have one on my folder but its fallen apart (the folder is) so i switched, maybe ill put the sticker on my new one.
this is what one fellow did, he sold it a while back on craigslist for only 650, but actually i have two on my uni, but i would like some more to put on random peoples cars, cause that sounds rather fun, my step dad would be really mad if i put one on his beloved van.
That’s gonna hurt when you peel them off.
I guess that’s cheaper than going to the salon for a hot wax job…
haha, that’d be sweeet…people would get mad, and probably eventually report you to the cops though. but for a while it’d be sweet…
vandalism and being an ass isn’t always all that sweet. putting these things on random cars in parking lots is particularly pointless. although there was a recent incident in my neighborhood involving super glue and a sticker that said “masturbating is not a crime”… i use one uni sticker as a bookmark. the rest are scattered around my room somewhere.
it appears you can just put it in your udc cart and checkout, then i guess they might send some to you, i guess i might try it sometime.
Don’t ask to borrow my car while we are in Memphis this summer.