You run to the car (or bus, train, plane) and go see a doctor! He’ll give ya something for your throat. (and it will be much better for you then your crack, or lager) Why suffer when you don’t have to?
If your VERY sore throat came on quickly and is accompanied by the rapid onset of a high fever you have the symptoms of strep throat and should seek medical attention right away. Strep throat in adults is moderately dangerous but can be easily treated with antibiotics. Don’t opt for a touchy-feely, wishy-washy, new-age homopathic treatment if you have strep throat, it’s not worth the risk. Make sure, Phil.
The joys of college (university). I was regularly getting colds, sore throats, and other miscellaneous bugs while at school. I even managed to catch the flu during finals week. What a joy calling up the professor to say that you can’t take the final because you have the flu and can barely get up.
I usually lock myself in the bathroom, turn off the lights and fans, turn the shower on so it is so hot it almost burns and fill the room with tons of steam. This of course is after drinking almost 2 gallons of water and downing 1666% daily allowance of vitamin C via pills. I find cooking myself usually cures the initial suffering at least for a short while. If it did come on suddenly, however, and not slow and steady, see a doctor. Now what do you do if you can’t fall asleep due to unicycling obsession?
No, the sore throat was gradual… it’s happened before, although never this bad. With each cough I could feel the lining of my throat being shredded that little bit more…
It’s somewhat better this morning… I can actually speak, and my throat isn’t quite so rough.
ok, since it was gradual i can suggest another ‘wishy washy new age personal health option based on stuff that used to keep us alive just long enough to not be a threat to the long term survival of the planet’
next time u feel one of them throats comin’ on, the whole sniffly, stuffy feeling thing? yeah (smokers can normally catch it three days in advance 'cause their cigarettes taste different as they start to get sick)
have a clove of garlic
have it whole
like u would swallow a capsule
this limits the breath issue and allows for more of the active ingredient (80% of which gets nailed by the tummy juices anyway, more if u chew it/fry it/ cook it) to get into your system
take one a day for three days
it works for me and is less likely to contribute to the development of some treatment resistant killer disease then antibi’s
oh, by the way, dont try n sneak a quiet fart within 100 yards of human habitation for a day or two
thought i’d warn ya
natural side-effect
Go to the doctor’s, have them do a culture for strep throat, and if you still have your tonsils, or if you have them again, ask about acute tonsillitis, keep drinking whatever non-alcoholic, non-caffeine fluids you can manage to swallow, and don’t try to speak. As Greg said, take this seriously, get checked soon. The correct antibiotics should take care of your problem within a couple of days.
Ya, what they said. I dried out my throught cycling in several cold x-mas prades -dried, cracked, became infected, spat up nasty stuff for weeks; then it got worse- all that infected muck slid down into my lungs, and I began coughing uncontrollably- especialy when attempting to sleep. A trip to the Doc and I was on anti-b’s and steriod inhalers -which allowed the bronccia to stop spasming long enough to heal…