What do you do to go to sleep?

I’ve been on the beach for more than 5 hours today, I feel very tired and want to sleep. But I can’t, so I’m here instead.

Do you have any advice on going to sleep, because this is killing me… :thinking: :o :astonished:

Lie down in a quiet place and close your eyes…

I used to like to go to sleep to music, but sometimes it just keeps me awake because it’s so cool to listen to.

Generally, if I’m tired and I lie on the floor for more than about 5 minutes I’ll go to sleep. I’m like a cat or something.

I suffer from insomnia…no not that movie with Pacino and Williams!:smiley: I do several things to help assure a decent night’s sleep. Black out fabric on my windows, ear plugs, and an over-the-counter sleep aid that never leaves me with a “hangover” in the morning. It’s just strong enough to take the edge off and allows me to konk out about 2 hours after taking it. :stuck_out_tongue: 100 pills costs only $5. Available at Long’s drug stores. It’s called “Sleep relief”.

I think about the uhh… miss usa contest thing.

Hmmmm. that would tend to keep me… “UP!”:smiley:

good one Terry.

I watch the Miss Teen USA reruns

as said in the Miss Teen USA contest thread:

I wack myself to sleep.

Using the “Search” function always gets me drowsy… hint hint.

i whack myself to sleep, too…

but seriously, I find that it helps if I close me eyes. sometimes resisiting urges to open them.

DARN beat me to it.
I think there were quite a few pages.

i think abusing prescription drugs works best. but seriously, forcing yourself to keep your eyes closed works for me, i always listen to music, too. i dont abuse prescription drugs, that was joke. i joke! i joke!

Me neither!

he is probably asleep now…after reading all this stuff about sleeping

i turn on the weather channel and try to stay up and watch it…


i sit on the coutch under a hot cover and watch t.v. and if it isn’t interesting i will fall asleep. s\ome times i will count down from a hundred and keep doing it and doing it. most of the time when i lay my head down i go to sleep

As a hyperactive young child, whenever I complained about not being able to sleep, my father would tell me to close my eyes, relax, and go to sleep. As obvious as it is, that’s what I do, and it seems to work pretty well. It drives my wife nuts though, especially when she’s trying to talk to me. :wink: