What do you call a group of unicyclists?

Sorry not a joke.

Other things have names:
fleet of boats
school of fish
herd of cattle
murder of crows
flock of sheep

If the language has no word for this, we need to come up with a name for a plurality of unicyclists.



a disorganisation of unicyclists
a herd of cats

both equally difficult to get all going in the same direction at the same time.

ps- slightly more seriously- a wobble of unicyclists or a weave of unicyclists

I’m still for wobble.


Needless to say, I didn’t see that other thread.

Very funny and many great ideas.

Wobble is excellent.


yeah, I remember that old thread…I’m pretty sure that wobble was unanimous. definitely my favorite. someone should compile all the results from the other thread, and make a poll.


Good Idea Mr. Potter, I’ll do that later tonight if no one beats me to it!


Yes, a poll!

If were just making our own up, Id say a ride of unicyclists.
Ya know, like a pride of lions? A ride of unicyclists.

I’ll get burnt for this…

A circus of unicyclists

A scar of unicyclists?


It’s actually a clowder of cats.

“Wobble” no doubt the best.

(coined by Weeble in sept 2003) (We were struck breathless when Weeble’s wobble burst into the gym like a clowder of freaked-out wet cats)

I think a wobble consist of more than 2. But 2 might just be a weentsy wobble.

While we’re at it, I like to refer to non-Unicyclists as “muggles”. Because, as we all know, without some magical ability, noone could possibly ride these things.:smiley:

I believe any group by definition consists of more than two. Two is a pair, unless, of course, they’re dynamic, in which case they’re a duo. [EDIT]: Nope, I’m wrong. A group is two or more. Apologies.

Being a lefty I prefer a union of unicyclists. However, although they are neither alliterative nor mellifluous, for the sake of historical preservation I could be convinced to accept a soviet or a collective of unicyclists. :slight_smile:

A scream or a screetch of unicyclists.
An ego of unicyclists.
A crash or a wreck of unicyclists.
A dismount of unicyclists.
A foam of unicyclists.
A crank a frame of unicyclists.
A havoc of unicyclists.

Some of these suggestsion may not be original. I read through the two threads very quickly. Sorry for any duplication.

Edit: wobble is hard to beat!