yeah, its really long, but I think its important for everyone to view it.
yeah, its really long, but I think its important for everyone to view it.
I’m still watching it but it’s really interesting. It makes you think about what the government tells us and what it doesnt tell us.
i didnt watch it but why would the government do it…
in my opinion i hate these “indictments” made by people that dont like pres. bush.
thats just me though
I agree with you in part. However, I only don’t like it when people make uninformed arguments. This movie presents so much evidence against what the government has already told us, I would like to see someone watch the whole movie and still think that the story we all know is 100% true.
So, watch the movie, the whole thing, and then come back again with your new, better-informed opinion (:
that movie is great. i cried the first time i saw it. so funny.
is there any way to get a downloadable version of this??
I think it’s a lousy subject title. With no information other than that, I can’t get interested in downloading a long video.
the movie is about how the United States government could have not only known about, but were involved in planning the 9/11 attacks.
why do you find it funny?
that was a great movie.
A lot of this stuff does add up, and they only briefly went into parts that do not stand up to even tougher scrutiny. The apparent reason the WTC towers collapsed is due to a failure mechanic known as Creep where a significant stress causes a deformation of a solid through diffusional processes. I learnt about this in my 1st Term of my Mechanical Engineering degree at University. The basic formula relates the increase in length over time to the amount of stress, and due to the diffusional relationship it requires either very high strains (assumed to remain fairly constant in 911, the central supports were relatively undamaged physically), or huge increases in temperature, thus Creep effects only begin to occur at around 0.4 x the melting point of a material.
Since standard (non-specialised) structural steel melts at 1400C, this would mean, at the WTC, there would have to have been a fire of 560C before creep would begin to occur. Jet fuel (Kerosene) burns at approx 550C. Hmm.
Even if we take as read that the fire was hot enough to initiate creep (say 0.5xMp, 700C) it would have taken hours to produce a significant deformation of the steel. Not minutes. I haven’t got all the data (from reliable sources) yet, and its 3am, so I’m not up for complex materials analysis right now, but I will eventually try and plug numbers into the Creep equation and find out the temperature required for a 1 hour failure time, or the time required to reach the failure stress of steel at 700C. I don’t expect to get sensible numbers that fit with the 9/11 events, but if I do, suffice to say I will retract my objection.
Not only this, but the creep would have taken place only on the floors/areas where there was this temperature. So one would think that the collapses would not have been so uniform with height and cross-section. The theory of secondary explosions, distributed vertically, and designed to take the buildings out seems more plausible from a physical point of view.
[not a structural engineer here]
you say the movie claims the US government was behind 9/11, and then ask what’s so funny… it’s good to stay skeptical, but i have my limits.
Just saying that the US government was behind 9/11 is stupid, yes. But watch the movie with an open mind. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t have a good reason to.
A little more shortening and this would make a fine subject line.
We also were involved with planning Pearl Harbor. In both cases, our pants were down to varying degrees, and we were open to easy attack.
I did not watch the movie, but read some people speculating about why the buildings collapsed. All it took was a certain amount of weight to fall within the structure to start a chain reaction. There were no “additional” charges or explosions, other than stuff caused by the plane crashes. Once one floor pancaked, the momentum was sufficient to pancake the next one, and the next, etc. Though one may question what started the first one dropping, there was also some degree of structural damage caused by the planes entering the buildings.
But it’s the way the buildings were constructed that made them vulnerable to a “pancake” type of failure. Most other tall buildings could not collapse in this same way. Whoever planned the attacks did their homework, and knew what they were trying to cause.
More detail:
Each floor of the buildings was supported only at the four corners, and by the vertical structure of the central core, a large square that contained all the elevator shafts and pipes/ducts/vents. The outer “donut” of each floor was just reinforced concrete, with no vertical supports other than the big ones in the corners, and the stell structure of the buildings’ outer shells.
James WE are the F****** goverment, when you are 18 you can help control it. That is like the bs that say the goverment hid an image in the 20 doller bill the depects the burning of the the twin towers yet masters of oragami will it you that with enought time you can convince any one that there is a hidden image in every picture. The only reasion it works is people have a “opened” mind. Keep you mind open but not enought that a Jet can fly throw it.
The President of the United States, and Congress, have more power than you or I or the rest of the common people do. If George Bush has control of the military, he can make them do anything he wants, he doesn’t need to let us know, much less get our permission.
did you even watch the movie?
Im allmost done.
dude…typos are one thing…substituting throw for through is another…people might actually take you seriously if you learn how to communicate without sounding like an idiot
Michael, I’m sorry, but I don’t have the time or patience to watch that…
However, I’m going to be a pretentious idiot and offer my opinion anyway
Alright, personally, I think that the government had nothing to do with it, but probably could of prevented it if they had worked hard enough, or listened to intelligence
thats okay (:
I thought it would have been impossible for our government to have had anything to do with it before I watched it…but it is very eye opening.
Ah…well, props to you for having the patience to watch that, lol