what do ya think

pegs on a girrafe, im tempted should i buy them?

It’s been done. I hear it works pretty well.

On another note, would you please post a title to your thread that is more informative? Threads with titles like “What do you think?” tell the reader almost nothing. An alternative title could’ve been “Pegs on a Giraffe?”

You can put pegs on a giraffe. You can stand on the pegs and hand-crank the unicycle. The trick to that skill is not smaking yourself in the face with the giraffe. The first time you try it you’ll see what I mean.

Or, look at a photo of John Childs. You’ll see what he means. He’s been smacked alot.


that reply made my day

And Harper should point out that it is a good idea to keep your long hair away from the chain when hand cranking a giraffe. Not that he would have any personal experience with that, but yeah, keep your hair out of the chain.

Is that the best you could come up with?

Harper: 1
John: 0

Unfortunately yes. I’m a bit slow due to repeated verbal blows to my face by Harper.