What do unicycles really want?


Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Somebody to not break them?

You to stop sittin’ on them!!!HAHAHA…ya

Or maybe they like that…hmmm… :astonished:


They like it when you pet them too.

they like it when you ride 'em hard.


its true!!
I ride my trials uni as hard as I can.
thats how I kronked the crank arms and broke a pedal.

Someone with a nice ass…

it helps for a better ride if you just pet them on the frame a little or under the seat in those tight areas. I do this before every ride and im a much better rider from it!:slight_smile:

Oh and make sure to throw a little kiss at it when you go to bed at night, uni’s really like that.

mine likes to be spun really fast. i give it what it wants.
