what do u think?

Im looking for a cheap trails unicycle for my bro and he neebds a 16" trails i was looking around and im wondering about getting these ones(link at the end) have a look at the uni its the 2nd one down on the link.btw its on lots of different websites if u want some more info just type in Sun Flat Top Unicycles 16" on youtube to find some more

The link doesn’t work.

I went onto unicycles, do you mean the sun flat top 16"?
these ones?

I suppose they would be OK for learning general riding, but not for trials, street, freestyle or muni.
trials, not very strong, will not stand up to drops. It will probably just break.
trails, (muni), not strong enough for that really.

soz just go to the right side and look for unicycles click it and then the 2nd 1 down kk?

If you want a good uni for riding trails (generally referred to as a Muni, for future reference), those won’t do you much good. a KH 24" or 29" muni, or a 24" qu-ax muni, would be better.

ok it is the sun flat top ones ye

Well, do you mean trails or trials, because they’re completely different. I presume if your looking for a 16" you are after a trials unicycle.
For trails (muni) you want a bigger wheel, such as a 24"-29". Either way the sun isn’t very strong and wont hold up against doing trials or muni.
Do you mean Muni or Trials?

i mean the one were u jump :stuck_out_tongue:

As much as I would like to recommend buying from Serious Juggling I would not recommend buy a Sun unicycle for Trials OR Trails because they just suck for anything other than Learning to ride. If you live close enough to pick up an order directly from Serious Juggling you can order This unicycle through them and save a bunch of shipping. Even if you don’t live close enough to pick it up directly from them call them up and see how much it would cost you to order that unicycle through them and ship it to you. I would guess it would be cheaper than if you had UDC ship it to you, but I can’t quite be sure.

Hope I helped!

PS: if your ‘secret’ location is anywhere near Portland Oregon you should totally PM me and we can ride sometime. (click here to PM me)

Trials, the sun will be terrible. My advice, go for a Nimbus ISIS trials (20") with KH cranks or the nimbus ISIS 16" uni.

They are good, cheap, strong unis, and they’re ISIS so they’re stronger.

I think you keep posting in the wrong forum.

This is Just Conversation. You’re posting unicycling threads, not conversation.

I think you should be posting in Rec.Sport.Unicycling (also known as RSU around here).

The reason you should post in RSU is because that forum is dedicated to unicycling, and you’ll get many more people reading and possibly replying to your thread. When you post a unicycling thread here, everyone loses out.


-Forum Nazi

I didn’t even realise that, I click new posts so see everything in every forum on here.

hahahaha thats good!

If he wants a 16inch trials unicycle for his little brother it’s cheaper than a DX And if he wants a Nimbus ISIS trials it’s also cheaper and better than a DX, I would venture to guess it’s still better than a DX before the crank upgrade on the Nimbus(don’t take my word for it though I’m no expert and have only ridden an 06 DX… which I’m still riding by the way haha)

if hes riding a 16 i can amgin he ist very hevy. my old more basic uni lived a 4ft drop. so the sun with a few upgrades with the left over munny wold be sweet in my opinion.

I still get use off that old 20in Sun Ft and it has prevailed though lots and lots of damage… (see photo)

[Damage include 2 months of solid almost everyday use, smashing the frame into corners and dropping down stairs, Also constant spills from learning]

Also proof I’ve been slamming on it from jumpin’


i think this one is a really good trail but the ones from kris holm are good, too.


don´t worry, it´s a german site, but its in english, too, if you understand, what i mean :slight_smile:

could someone tell me what country 249,00 EUR is from? my meager American public school education isn’t the most informative. aha

Yes. Obviously they haven’t taught you how to use google.

320.549 USD

Oh Kayso,

You are making US public schools look even worse than they already do! I’m sure they teach you how to search the internet! (and no, I’m not gonna just give you the answer):slight_smile:



Why do you have to be so helpful Jerrick ?:slight_smile:


:smiley: You could use this if you ever need to convert currencies my friend. :smiley: