Okay fellas, here’s your chance to explain yourselves to the female online unicycling population.
-decently pretty,
A good steak and egg sandwich…with cheese.
Well, from a short , but statistically significant survey of one, I should say what they want is little different whether I ride a unicycle or not. Most of the time the impression that I am 110% insane, and only 20% in control of the unicycle, appears to keep them at a distance that suggests they have at least a minimal level of self preservational intelligence.
The exception was of course the occasion when, for reasons I have absolutely no intention of revealing to you lot, I found myself unicycling through a french town centre in a brief two piece swimsuit. Photographic evidence has been ruled unsuitable for general public consumption and will not be made available at any affordable price. And if anyone does have a copy of the magazine article would they please destroy it.
Others, please be content with the Harper picture.
That’s a bit vague, don’t you think?
I just want to be me, in the company of someone who thrills me endlessly by just being her and is in turn thrilled by me just being me.
And a beer.
I’m just happy with someone who accepts me and doesn’t mind that I unicycle, or drag him to conventions. And doesn’t hate me when I’m outside practicing freemounting my 29er while he does the hoovering.
Chocolate and wine are also in there somewhere.
oo sorry, wrong thread.
All rather confusing, isn’t it.
Rather fitting given the subject matter tho.