I recently visited a bike-trials forum and searched for “unicycle” and “unicyclist”, and I found all this stuff about how gay unicyclists are, you know what I mean. (I don’t have anything against gay people but apparently they have). I suppose they’re jealous, but do they have a real reason for saying all this stuff about us? (I’m not saying all bike-trials riders are like this)
What do bike trials riders have against unicyclists?
In Australia, absolutely nothing.
I’ve done three bike trials comps and a few demos with bike trials riders and they’ve all been really supportive and friendly.
I’ve never met anyone that did bike trials but I know alot of skateborders. Every now and then I go to a parking lot that has alot of ramps and steps. There’s a group of skateborders there that always love watching me ride.
Over 20,00 words in English come from the French language.
If they say unicycle’s are ‘gay,’ then they’re BMX riders. If they think unicyclists are awesome, then they’re Trials riders. That’s the way it works around here. Statistically, It seems like Trials riders are generally nicer and more intelligent than BMXers.
No offense to the BMX riders, of course.
Even more come from Latin/Greek. But what does this have to do with bikers calling us homosexual?
No i disaggree on this 1 all the bmxers around here think its awesome and try to ride my uni i dont think i have had any bad coments from bmxers but on alot of bike trials forums there are alot of bad comments.
Bike trials guys wear those full body skin suits. Methinks that maybe the bike trials guys making fun of you are perhaps a little bit insecure about their own sexual orientation after wearing a full body skin suit during a demo or trials competition.
Yeah, that’s an OK picture. But I prefer this one:
I’m thinking about observedtrials.net where they’re not so friendly, but I’m sure a lot of bike trials riders are really nice.
i have got respect from trials riders but general abuse from skaters ect, wat are those body suits ment to help with?
I have a few friends who ride trials bikes…they all think the uni is pretty cool…
i have though much about this in the past. there are a few other things worth noting.
“gay” isnt always used as “bad” on these bike forums. sometimes its used as an ironic metaphor for “good”. once a guy posted about his “totally gay bike” that turned out to be awesome.
unicycling looks goofy
the people that post about this on these forums seem to be jerks even to the other bikers
Hmm, I think there may be something to the sexual insecurity theory… It looks like the bikes they’re riding in those pics say “Koxx” on them…
Q: What do ride?
A: Koxx
See what I mean?
I haven’t run into any bmxers or trials bikers yet, a couple skateboarders, but I showed them U2 and pretty much shut them up Ran into a dirtbiker today whilst muni-ing, and he seemed to be impressed…
If you do a quick search for bike on this forum you’ll see that many feel it is as bad as a curse word because we all the power of one is better than two. Its a bike forum your on their turf they are going to bash whatever the hell they want.
In reality, Get off the internet and go ride! People might say crap online but if your out there riding with guys or gals if your not a tool chances are they will see you as just another person to ride with.
As far as skaters go, if you hang out with skaters, do similar moves exe. Chances are they are going to be cool with you riding with them I’ve been asked to ride and shoot some video’s with alot of different local skate board riders. If your a 35 year old suit or prep, dork, jock, poop nazi ( no offence) and just try to walk into a clique of skaters and be one of them, get real, its not going to happen. This probably has little to do with you unicycling but the fact that you have different interest.
alot of trials riders are attention whores
to be fair, so are many unicyclists I have met
If a biker does a gap, and wows the crowd, then you follow suit on one wheel you are stealing their glory.
as for bmxers/skaters. I have never met one of either group who looked down their nose at me for unicycling. They seem to realize the work that it takes. These groups are also fans of originality.
I think it’s either mobility or serility
The bike trials guys around campus dig us unicyclists. They’ve invited me on trials rides before. I never went because my trials experience is amateur at best.
I think it’s funny when they give uni’ers flack because half the stuff the trials bikers do is on one wheel. Seems like they would appreciate the skill of one-wheeled tricks. In both of those pictures posted, you could do some fancy photoshop work and make it look like they’re on a uni.
Wind resistance might limit their vertical hops by up to 3" without the aerodynamic suits
Sofa: not to mention the 12.7 grams saved by wearing them.
Most bike trials riders I have talked to are cool with it, and if they aren’t, after they see a video or pictures they realize that it is cool. I think most of the people who say its “gay” and dumb just don’t know what it actually is.
WAIT WAIT WAIT you can do search’s on this forum? As for the body suit. Ohhhh yeahhhh no coment. Of course we wear Biker shorts which look weird.