I thought it would be fun to see what different riders learnt first. For myself, I first learnt to ride, then hop, hopping in stairs, ride backwards, idle (a little), jump with seat out front, ride with seat out front, and at last, I’m working oin my pedalgrab.
However, a friend of mine who has borrowed my uni, learnt to hop before he could ride.
actually i learnt idling then riding, hopping i didnt know about for a little while. when i found out about it i learnt to go up, stairs off drops and hop over everything i could see. (excluding houses, planes planets etc.) working on riding with seat out. and on belly.
i followed the skill levels pretty much to the letter when looking for things to try next.
Ok, so starting this July I began with sitting on it in a state of panic in our porch, where I could touch all four walls. Next I attempted moving on it along our alley way at the side of the house, where I could touch the wall and a fence. Several grazed knuckles and splintered fingers later I gave up the slow way and decided to learn to mount unaided in the middle of my garden.
I’m now mounting and riding a short way.
Next week 360s and grinding…
OK, you asked for it…
My learning order was something like this:
ride, freemount, turn, down curbs, backwards, idle, hop, one-footed (right foot), one-footed idle, sidemount, stomach on seat, seat out in front, wheel walk, seat out in back, jump mount, seat out hopping, seat on side, one-footed wheel walk, hand wheel walk stomach on seat, reverse mount, backwards seat out in back, one-footed (left foot), one handed hand wheel walk, backwards one-footed… and maybe a few others I can’t remember at the moment. It would be interesting to see a list from a really experienced rider.
Good God.
fall forward, fall backwards, fall sideways, pedal slap, hyper-extend wrist, twist ankle, ride
fall gracefully
dismount without lounching the uni across the street.
ride 10 feet in a wobbly line
ride many more feet in a striat and wobbly line
rolling mount
reverse rolling mount i think its called.
currently learning riding backwards and idling. though i have learned along the way to have exelent control at high speeds on my 26" uni.
Mmmmmmm i can do alot of basic/intermidiate freestyle tricks but i don’t like freestyle. Any way here goes.
1-foot it (right)
Ride with stomach on seat
Ride with seat extended forward
Ride with seat extended backwards
Learning to ww, pedal grab, 1 foot idle, and 360’s
i learned to ride and hop at abou the same time, then idle, next was seat out hop then ride seat out front, then seat out back, then i learned to 1 foot idle,next i learned to to a pre-hop(wich pushed my 12 inch hop to a 20 inch ), then seat on stomach ride,next ride backwards, then to ride 1 foot, then seat drop, as of now uni spin and hop on wheel
p.s. during the whole pre-hop thini learned pedal and crank grab and to go to rubber from them.
thats pretty much how i learned zod