Noob here, someone explain?
Most Replies
What padst3r said.
Yes, and no.
C’mon Harry.
MR, more commonly know to as Most Replys, was an effort to obtain the most replys to a single thread. No easy Task, but ah, a noble one. We did well in our time to, us in the MRIS, I belive we were number 2 on the world wide web… or very high up there. By the way MRIS is an accroynm for Most Replys Inner Scrotum. One began part of the innter sctotum upon having 530 posts, excuse me Mrians (Member of the MRIS) if I am wrong, as it has been some time. Any who, this was to show allegiance to the thread maker, a member known as iteam#530. (Gild, Intotheblue, ducttape, goats on unicycles, James Potter, Forrest, Habbywall, be sure to correct the number if incorrect. My deepest apologies.)
We were a community inside a community, and did our fair share for the site. Often new members would first post there, ask silly newb questions and such. We single-handedly stopped many a usless threads in our time, all the while having good camaraderie and discussion ranging from the silly to the important to the dire. It was an information center to forum etiquette, rules, general info and things like that.
Anyways I’ll have to cut it short, but MR stood for many things too many different people. It was all encompassing. In it’s thousand upon thousands of pages and replys there was surely an answer for just about any question anyone has ever, or will ever have. It was a final testament to the fortitude of community, friendship, acceptance and life.
Then he who shall not be named single handedly killed it. The rat bastard done it right in, all of that gone in a wash as if it were yesternights bedtime shit. One single finger stroke and we were flushed from the site, to be forgotten, but we will and do fight for our comeback. Some day, you watch he who shall not be named, some day.
We were brave outcasts of the forum, many didn’t understand our purpose or cause, but out hearts were true, I give you my word, our intentions were pure.
We were and will always be MR, it has transcended this forum and mere electronic resistance. MR will live on in the hearts of it’s members, and far beyond our death. Though or physical manifestation has been disrupted, our spirit lingers here in JC, as it will always do, and has since the day it was created.
Eloquently put sir.
So many grammar errors.
I never was one for the grammar. Didn’t matter in MR. Pfft.
You forgot the most important memeber of th MRIS. The Queen!
Many Rejects
Moist Regions
Mumbling Retards
Moldy Rectums
Mindless Rambling
Maestro8 Rectumhead
1) Been there.
2) Been there too also.
3) Obviously, i am 1 of them.
I miss it.
Roughly how many replies did most replies have?
Just shy of a quarter of a million.
Should have been kept somewhere as a memorial or something.
Did it really slow the forum down that much?
Therein lies the crux of the matter.
Some people said yes.
Some people said no.
I think only Gilby knew.
badly!!! :d
didnt for me
You were the lucky one (or one of the lucky ones) then.
Didn’t for me.
MR stood for truth, justice, and the American way. Then it was quickly usurped by a mongrelized race and rendered impotent. Sad, that. Finally, Terry Peterson stepped up to the plate and dealt MR its well deserved lethal blow.