what can GILD/Gilby do that we cant¿

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ im wondering what super forum powers does gild/Gilby have

Gilby can do anything on this website because he is God. Gild can do the kick-up mount nicely if I remember right. Oh and Gild has a nice Most Replies page dance.


…are you treating them as the same people?

GILD has the power of an animated avatar…a sweet page dance…and he does really cool postalonathons. Plus he’s pretty much the only one on these fora who can use poor grammar and I don’t really care…

it’s because he’s from Africa, duh

GILD is a juggler
GILBY is a moderator
They are different people aswell.

Wait…maybe they ARE the same person!!

gilby is the administrator. he can do whatever he wants …enen change youusername and password. gild is a moderator and im opretty sure he can edit your posts. plus they are both cool and your not:)

once there was this thread with a poll and gilby made it so he was an option(he wasnt originally) then made it so he had like 6666666666 million votes, it was so cool

Oh, that was for the race for Most Replys President…he wasn’t even on the poll, but then one day he appeared there with 11,000 votes. Then by the end he only had 11 again, and I had like 17, and I won ( :

Yeah I remeber that. He vandalized my damn thread.

That would explain why Gilby never gets any sleep. He’s living in two time zones 7 hours apart.

Gilby is all powerful.

Gilby can send you to Coventry. If Coventry has a radio station, there is a chance you could hear GILD.

Both can pronounce my name correct.

They have got me there. Maybe you could break your name down by syllables like the dictionary does, and we could all pronounce your name right Leo?

I’m not too sure about Gilby, but I’m pretty sure that Gild can fly…

unless I’ve mistaken him for superman.


Oh, I thought he meant ‘Leo’. :slight_smile:

psh, you tihnk I have any hope of pronouncing that?
as if