I think that gays should be allowed to be married and have equal rights as regular citizens of america.
(I have a friend that rides uni and he’s gay, we are just curious.)
I think that gays should be allowed to be married and have equal rights as regular citizens of america.
(I have a friend that rides uni and he’s gay, we are just curious.)
what makes them irregular citizens? and what do you define as regular citizen? i say live and let live.
good, im glad that the people on here are not moronic.
gays arent people, they better never have rights. theyre lower than scum in a septic tank
wow, what the hell is wrong with you?
-1…your ignorant
+1 just a bit
youre ignorant
wow, that was an intelligent response
Just in America? I say, give 'em rights worldwide.
i really dont care if they have rights or not. im just obscene
wow, +1 for aweseom comback (note sarcasm)
Here’s something I read online about marriage:<<It is a privilege because it is not guaranteed. Rights are. It is a privilege because it must be earned based on trust, love and respect. Not obligation. It is privilege because it can be taken away at any time. Rights can’t. If your fiancee changes her mind and doesn’t want to marry you she does not have to. It is a privilege because there are certain eligibility requirements, there are none for rights. In order to be eligible for marriage you have to be a certain age, your partner has to be a certain age (so pedophiles are not eligible to marry the children they want to), you can’t be related, (so family members are not eligible to marry each other) and you can only marry one person at a time (so polygamists and bigamists are not eligible to marry everyone they desire) and of course you must be the opposite sex of each other. That is how privileges work, they all have rules that must be adhered to in order to get the privilege. If I don’t take the driving test, I don’t get the privilege of driving. If I don’t pay my cell phone bill I don’t get the privilege of having a cell phone. Yet there is no greater privilege than marriage.>> Seems to me that Gays do indeed have the same “rights” as heterosexuals.
Either that was your attempt at humor (not funny) or you have a lot of growing uo to do.
Save for the bolded bit, this quote is nothing more than verbal vapor; all meaning blows away in the face of its obviousness. The bolded part is thrown in so as to surround it by the obvious in order to make it appear obvious itself. Something it most certainly is not.
One could easily have made a similar argument with respect to voting some ninety years ago. That it is a privilege of those who are eligible by virtue of being 21, of not having committed a felony, and, of course, of being a man.
i think gays should have right and not be so unamamusly hated as they are but i dont think they shoulkd be allowed to marry or raise kids if they can raise kid then their kids dont get to live a normal life and it messes them up.
It appears to me that people hate gays for two main reasons, the first being religion (usually some branch of Christianity) and the second is that people fear what they don’t know/understand, or what is different…regarding the first reason (I’m gonna generalize here) Christianity is a rather arrogant religion in that many Christians feel it is their duty to force their own beliefs on to everyone else. They have very pure motives (to “save” the unbelievers from going to Hell) so you can’t entirely blame 'em for trying to convert those who are not Christians, but when they try to force their own personal prejudices (is the plural of prejudice, prejudi?) upon those who don’t share the same beliefs to start with, well, that’s just not cool. Personally I understand why these Christians don’t think being gay is right, it’s in the bible and all, but for one thing, not everyone believes in the Bible and so you can’t (shouldn’t) force these beliefs on American Buddhists or American Hindus, and for another, I just forgot my second point, I’ll remember later.
EDIT one more thing…I think complaining about not being allowed to get married is a little bit silly, because what defines marriage? I say, love! Not some paper document from City Hall that says you are legally bound to one another…some people get married early to someone they don’t love just for the tax breaks.
I totally understand what you’re saying, but picture this: if gays were not discriminated against, then these kids would live a normal life. It’s like saying that blacks and whites shouldn’t have kids between them because they won’t live a normal life and it messes them up…unless you’re saying that they won’t live a normal life because they won’t have the stereotypical fatherly figure and motherly figure in their lives, in which case I present to you single parents, adopted children, and children who live with grandparents.
why shouldn’t we get married?? and why can’t we have kids?? we’re no different then other people. anyway, the kids would have a better life with us then they would after their parents died or threw them out of their house.
also mikael, even though i probably won’t ever want to be legally married (i’m bi), it’s still bigotry to not allow people to marry who they love.
I understand that, really I do, but there is nothing the government or anyone else can do to stop you from loving whomever you want…you are all still as free as you want to be!!
You can easily have all the pleasures of being married, without signing some piece of paper.