What are you eating?

What are you eating right now? Where’d ya get it? How’s it taste?

Rizotto, La Familia, yummy.

rolos. meijer. totally yummy.

Ritz crackers. Nothing on them. They are delicious right out of the box. No trans fat, either.

offbrand wheat thins, I bet their from the same factory even. I seriously can’t tell the difference.

I was eating a pita, from the pita pit, but it’s gone now. now, water from my nalgene bottle.
this thread is going to make me very, very hungry…

No. Obviously all those crackers has made you very, very thirsty.

Calamari. Filet mignon wrapped in BACON . Baked potato, grilled tomato, green beans, sourdough bread.

Suddenly my crackers don’t seem so tasty… :frowning:

Sounds good to me!

Cinnamon mini doughnuts… with milk. From my special stock. Orgasmic.

Oh yes! Yes Yes Yes!!!

Nice Gary Larson sub-reference in your modification of Harper’s post. I believe it was from the classic “What we say to Catboys, and What they hear” comic. :slight_smile:

Gary won’t mind not being credited since he’s retired. But one’s gotta hope that just because he isn’t publishing any new ones doesn’t mean he isn’t creating any new ones.

I’m hoping that eventually the royalty and re-print fees will drop off, and he’ll release an awesome new compilation of all the stuff he’s been drawing on the side these last years.

Marmite and cucumber sandwiches. I know it’s a bit early for those, but I always end up eating my lunch during the morning :confused:

Cord to my head phones. Walmart. Meh.

1 cup Fat-free plain yogurt + 1/8th cup almond meel + 15 g chocolate whey protien + dash of soy milk + 1/2 frozen banana + 1/4 cup frozen raspberries + 1/4 cup Grape Nuts + 1/4 cup chopped dates.

About 600 calories, 27 g protien.

Ingredients gleamed from Wally-World, Ingles, and the Wildwood 7th-Day Adventist Country Store.

Actually, have this every day - yum!

(this is the best thread ever)

Green chile fish steaks in oil & shelled sunflower seeds. Abby & Chrissie (dog & cat) are diligently waiting. They get the remaining oil poured on their food.

Soon to be a big steaming mug of rich antioxidants…black, no cream or sugar. After a morning mug or two, it’s green tea the rest of the day.

Fish finger sandwiches. With ketchup. Mmmmmmm…


Right now I’m waiting until this class is over, and then the next one, and then going out for lunch. Maybe I’ll get some pizza…or McDonalds…

Can’t get enough of that grease!

I had an apple and a bowl of Kix Cereal with a sliced banana this morning. I have a slight potassium deficiency and, unless I eat a banana a day or drink/eat something else with a good amount of K in it, my toes are prone to cramping…

I always seem to venture from the topic a little bit. :roll_eyes:



do u mind?
