What a unicyclist 'looks like'

right, dont know if you get what I mean, but you know say- a skater- from a mile off because he is wearing dark baggy jeans, HUGE shoes like DC’s or vans etc. and headphones.
A brittish footballer fan- from a mile off because they are wearing a sports shirt which is brightly coloured depending on what team they support, with trakies on and Nike or addidas etc. shoes.

…So what do you think a unicyclist will be known to look like if the sport ever becomes popular? :thinking:

Kind of bike messengerish and bmxish.

I thought this one was pretty obvious.

1 of these 2 will do. :smiley:
1) Kris Holm
2) Terry.

We’re a sport consisting of all different types of people with different styles.
I generally wear either semi-formal tuxedos with jeans or skirts. I guess “my look” is caught somewhere between punk and hippie. Other riders I know have completely different looks from the jeans and t-shirt look, to the skater look, to nerdy, to whatever else.
I think we’ll have a grab-bag look. =p

we look like out cast…(loners) well i do BECAUSE NO ONE HAS A UNI WHERE I LIVE :’( :angry:

It must be rough being a taco…

EDIT: I just noticed, but wasn’t your post count 35 yesterday as well?

to bad

sadly i thunk alot of people wil think that unicyclist looks nerdy or like a clown

Tight red T-shirt, baggy shorts, skater shoes, KH gloves and shin guards (yes, even without the unicycle)


That’s what I call a bold fashion statement.

shorts, flip-flops t-shirt :roll_eyes:

oh yes matching outfits. Team uk looking hot

Not sure where your getting the dark baggy jeans from, slim fit is where it’s at!

But yeah, pretty much just like a skater, except with skate shoes that fit.

Well unicyclists will generally be noticeable from the wheel they are precariously balanced above! It does make it slightly obvious lol. But I generally wear jeans and a t-shirt… just normal clothes really.

We don’t ALL look like that.

Some of us look like middle aged mother cyclists.

I think that’s one of the things about a minority sport. It appeals to different people who like to do something different. That would be lost if it was no longer a minority sport.

It really depends on what you like. Thats what’s cool about unicycling. It doesn’t matter how many street riders, trials riders, freestyle riders, or flat riders you see, they will all look different.

Whenever I go riding, I wear a hat, baggy jeans, a lightweight tee shirt, and lifestyle shoes (skate shoes).

I feel comfortable that way.

This sport is awesome, cause the only stereotype a unicyclist has, is a “clown”, and even that can be proven wrong, regardless of riding styles.

I hear unicyclist, at least when riding look Cool.

I’m not one to hear that normally, but when I’m on the uni I hear that often. So that’s what unicyclist look like, “Cool”, or even “Awesome” sometimes.

I’m sold.

All REAL unicyclists have pedal rakes on their shins.

Like a bad-ass. You know, it’s beyond clothes. Your badassity is sent through your vibe onto all others who will instantenously know your a bad-ass.