West Coast Cokers at Ride the Lobster

We thought we’d start a thread on our experiences at RTL for our friends back home. Jamey, Carol and I had a great flight out. John not so much! Missed his plane and still hasn’t made it. He is expected by the start of the race.
The vibe here is fantastic! The people are exceptionally nice, the country beautiful. Great weather too!
Had our first lobster feast at lunch! Tons of people turned out for trials demos, a band and lunch.
Then a group photo was taken at a beautiful lighthouse. Seafood buffet for dinner and bed early.
Jamey is leading off in the am. We’ll update this thread as stuff happens.
Go West Coast Cokers!

Finally got internet access to update what’s been going on. Jim and Jamey rode on Monday and had a pretty good day considering they only had 2 riders instead was 3. It was a beautiful day but tough. Jamey had a little fall at the beginning and had some blood but nothing serious. We each did about 100 km each. We placed 21st out of 35 which we were pretty happy with.

John arrived Sunday at midnight in Halifax but United had lost his luggage so he stayed there overnight and finally got a ride Monday afternoon just in time to see us finish. He didn’t get his luggage until Tuesday night so he luckily was able to borrow a unicycle for racing on Tuesday.

Tuesday was our longest day with 207 km. But this time we had John so it wasn’t just the two of us! That helped out a lot especially since we stuck John on most of the hills as he’s the hillmiester. It rained pretty much the entire day and half way thru started downpouring. So we were wet and misserable most of the day and it felt great to get dry socks on at the end of the day!! We did pretty good and ended up placing 19th for the day and 20th for both days combined.

BTW-Apparently the RTL website said we were in last place on Tuesday but that was a mistake on the website due to not having reception during that leg!!

Wednesday was another nice, I mean crappy, rainy day for the Time Trials. Unfortunately Jamey’s achilles tendon was pretty sore so he’s been icing it and stretching it. Hopefully he’ll be able to finish the race out. His Time Trials ride did not go the best as he had to walk up several hills, but his teamates did rather well. It downpoured for most of the 23 km race!!

We are now in Truro waiting for the Criterium race to start. Post more later. Here’s a few pics…

Jamey with a little blood on his knee racing away…

Jim going strong…


I am so impressed that Jayme and Jim rode the first day of the race by themselves and managed to do so well! Enjoy the rest of the race. See you on Friday. XXOOX Susan

Where was John? I heard he was held up on SUNDAY, but why didn’t he ride Monday?

Haha make John ride the whole way on day 4!:stuck_out_tongue: According to Jim, he’s in amazing shape so it should be a piece of cake for him lol!