
it broke :frowning: i had finished it and everything and the chains were tight but after i got going i fell and tried to free mount and i landed hard on one crank and kangarooed it pretty bad (i think someone said something like this might happen) i have a way to fix it but it wont be ready by CMW :frowning: :frowning:

at least tell what broke. not every one reads every thread to know what you are talking about.

the axel bent
EDit: and the welds on the crankshaft broke

The axle on your car, and the crankshaft on your go cart?
That’s unfortunate.

That sucks, but now you know what to fix and improve.

How tall is the GUni anyways?

whoops forgot to mention that it was my GUni that broke im retarted

'bout 3 ft

That’s a bummer, but remember. It’s not a failure, it’s a clue to what you need to strengthen, so next time you will make the axle stronger.

You should’ve listened to Harper!

…here’s a little story, I got to tell, about a thugged out homie, I know so well.

okay so yesterday i went to a lbs and asked for a certain size hub and the said there was no such thing. so later i went into my garage and found a wizzer tire w/ a drum brake and it works perfect and its the perfect size. it cold have been finished 2day but you know how metric and umm the system for the US dosent really match up so i have to do some things to it and finish soon (PS i will bring what i have to CMW)

It started way back, in history?