This forum is set up for unicyclists to talk about anything they want that is not unicycling specific and would therefore be off-topic in the Rec.Sport.Unicycling forum.
So speak freely and meet other unicyclists from around the world!
This forum is set up for unicyclists to talk about anything they want that is not unicycling specific and would therefore be off-topic in the Rec.Sport.Unicycling forum.
So speak freely and meet other unicyclists from around the world!
Do you ever wonder why people will sometimes reply to really old threads like this one? Most people post replies to the most recent threads. Why do they have to bring up the old ones?
Was this the oldest one you could find?
yeah, i know…its really annoying. im not sure why anyone would even think of doing something like that
From: (Ken Fuchs)
Subject: IUF Standard Skill List [ Was: Re: Tricks ]
Date: 1995/06/06
Message-ID: <>
references: <3qvmeg$>
organization: StarNet Communications, Inc
The following is the IUF Standard Skill List with competition point
values followed by a skill description section.
Certainly not every skill will be in here. For example none of these
skills require a prop.
Kirk, I hope this helps.
International Unicycling Federation Standard Skill Artistic Unicycling
Only figures listed in the following skills list can be used for the
assembly of standard skill routines.
RIDING POSITION: Unless stated differently in a figure description, it
is to be executed with the rider seated and with both feet on the
BODY FORM: The rider must show proper body form and shall not change
this form during the execution of the entire figure.
RIDING DIRECTION: Unless stated differently, all riding figures are to
be performed riding forward, this being the direction in which the
rider faces.
PATTERN: Unless stated differently in a figure description, it is to
be executed in a line. Exceptions are mounts, stationary skills and
transitions, which can be executed at any spot in the riding area.
TRANSITIONS: Unless stated differently in the description of a
transition, it starts and ends with the rider seated with both feet on
the pedals. An exception is made for uni spins, where the rider may
start with the seat held out in front. Before and after transitions
entered on the score sheet as figures, at least one revolution of the
wheel must be ridden in the start and end positions. If the start or
end position of a transition is a stationary skill, that stationary
skill must be completely executed, whether or not it is listed on the
score sheet.
MOUNTS: Unless stated differently in the description of a mount, it is
to end with the rider seated with both feet on the pedals. After all
mounts listed on the judging sheet as figures, at least one full
revolution of the wheel must be ridden in the end position.
IDLING FIGURES: In idling figures, a minimum of 5 consecutive cycles
(back and forth motions) must be executed.
ONE FOOT FIGURES: Unless stated differently in one foot figures, the
free foot is to be placed on the frame so that there is no contact
between the free foot and any rotating part of the unicycle.
SEAT OUT FIGURES: Unless stated differently in seat out figures, the
rider shall have no contact with the seat other than the hand holding
the seat. The hand holding the seat shall not touch any part of the
rider’s body.
WHEEL WALK FIGURES: Unless stated differently in wheel walk figures,
the feet are to push only the tire, and shall have no contact with the
pedals or crank arms.
STILLSTANDS: The minimum time for stillstands is 3 seconds.
HOPPING FIGURES: In hopping figures, a minimum of 5 consecutive hops
must be executed.
SPINS AND PIROUETTES: The rider must make a minimum of three full
rotations for spins and pirouettes. Spins must be ridden around a
fixed point. Pirouettes must be executed on 1 spot.
COASTING: Unless stated differently in coasting figures, the feet are
to have no contact with any rotating part of the unicycle (pedals,
crank arms, tire).
fwd = forward ext = extended
bwd = backward frh = freehanded
c = circle 1ft = one foot
8 = figure eight ww = wheel walk
a) riding 1.0
b) riding - c 1.2
c) riding - 8 1.4
a) riding bwd 3.0
b) riding bwd - c 3.4
c) riding bwd - 8 3.8
a) seat in front, seat against body 2.0
b) seat in front 2.3
c) seat in front - c 2.5
d) seat in front - 8 2.7
a) seat in ont - c 2.5
d) seat in front - 8 2.7
a) seat in front bwd, seat against body 3.5
b) seat in front bwd 3.7
c) seat in front bwd - c 3.9
d) seat in front bwd - 8 4.1
a) seat in back, seat against body 2.3
b) seat in back 2.5
c) seat in back - c 2.7
d) seat in back - 8 2.8
a) seat in back bwd, seat against body 3.5
b) seat in back bwd 3.9
c) seat in back bwd - c 4.2
d) seat in back bwd - 8 4.5
a) seat on side, seat against body 2.8
b) seat on side 3.0
c) seat on side - c 3.2
d) seat on side - 8 3.4
a) seat on side bwd, seat against body 3.8
b) seat on side bwd 4.1
c) seat on side bwd - c 4.3
d) seat on side bwd - 8 4.6
a) stomach on seat, 1 hand on seat 2.0
b) stomach on seat 2.1
c) stomach on seat - c 2.3
d) stomach on seat - 8 2.4
a) stomach on seat bwd 3.3
b) stomach on seat bwd - c 3.7
c) stomach on seat bwd - 8 4.1
a) chin on seat 3.6
b) chin on seat - c 3.8
c) chin on seat - 8 4.0
a) chin on seat bwd 4.0
b) chin on seat bwd - c 4.2
c) chin on seat bwd - 8 4.4
a) 1foot 3.0
b) 1ft - c 3.2
c) 1ft - 8 3.5
d) 1ft ext 3.2
e) 1ft ext - c 3.4
f) 1ft ext - 8 3.7
g) 1ft crossed 3.4
h) 1ft crossed - c 3.6
i) 1ft crossed - 8 3.8
a) 1ft bwd 4.1
b) 1ft bwd - c 4.3
c) 1ft bwd - 8 4.5
d) 1ft ext bwd 4.3
e) 1ft ext bwd - c 4.5
f) 1ft ext bwd - 8 4.7
a) 1ft seat in front against body 3.8
b) 1ft seat in front 4.5
c) 1ft seat in front - c 4.7
d) 1ft seat in front - 8 5.0
e) 1ft ext, seat in front against body 4.0
f) 1ft ext, seat in front 4.8
g) 1ft ext, seat in front - c 5.0
h) 1ft ext, seat in front - 8 5.2
a) 1ft seat in front against body bwd 4.7
b) 1ft seat in front bwd 5.1
c) 1ft seat in front - c 5.3
d) 1ft seat in front - 8 5.5
a) seat on side, 1ft, seat against body 3.8
b) seat on side, 1ft 4.2
c) seat on side, 1ft - c 4.4
d) seat on side, 1ft - 8 4.6
a) seat on side, 1ft bwd, seat against body 4.4
b) seat on side, 1ft bwd 4.8
c) seat on side, 1ft bwd - c 5.0
d) seat on side, 1ft bwd - 8 5.2
a) wheel walk 3.5
b) ww - c 3.7
c) ww - 8 3.9
a) ww bwd 4.2
b) ww bwd - c 4.4
c) ww bwd - 8 4.6
a) ww frame between feet 3.6
b) ww frame between feet - c 3.8
c) ww frame between feet - 8 4.1
a) ww frame between feet bwd 4.3
b) ww frame between feet bwd - c 4.5
c) ww frame between feet bwd - 8 4.8
a) ww bwd, feet behind frame 4.8
b) ww bwd, feet behind frame - c 5.0
c) ww bwd, feet behind frame - 8 5.4
a) spoke walk bwd, feet behind frame 4.8
b) spoke walk bwd, feet behind frame - c 5.0
c) spoke walk bwd, feet behind frame - 8 5.4
a) ww 1ft 3.7
b) ww 1ft - c 3.9
c) ww 1ft - 8 4.2
d) ww 1ft ext 3.9
e) ww 1ft ext - c 4.1
f) ww 1ft ext - 8 4.4
a) ww bwd 1ft 4.6
b) ww bwd 1ft - c 4.8
c) ww bwd 1ft - 8 5.1
d) ww bwd 1ft ext 4.9
e) ww bwd 1ft ext - c 5.1
f) ww bwd 1ft ext - 8 5.4
a) ww bwd 1ft behind frame 5.0
b) ww bwd 1ft behind frame - c 5.2
c) ww bwd 1ft behind frame - 8 5.5
a) gliding 4.0
b) gliding - c 4.2
c) gliding - 8 4.6
d) gliding, leg ext 4.2
e) gliding, leg ext - c 4.4
f) gliding, leg ext - 8 4.8
a) gliding bwd foot behind frame 5.5
b) gliding bwd foot behind frame - c 5.9
c) gliding bwd foot behind frame - 8 6.3
a) hand wheel walk 4.0
b) hand ww feet out 3.9
a) one hand ww 4.4
b) one hand ww feet out 4.3
a) hand ww, stomach on seat 3.7
a) one hand ww, stomach on seat 3.9
a) drag seat in front 3.9
b) drag seat in front - c 4.1
c) drag seat in front - 8 4.3
a) drag seat in back 4.0
b) drag seat in back - c 4.2
c) drag seat in back - 8 4.4
a) side ride 5.0
b) side ride - c 5.2
c) side ride - 8 5.6
d) side ride, one hand 5.4
e) side ride, one hand - c 5.6
f) side ride, one hand - 8 5.9
a) coasting 5.4
b) coasting - c 5.7
c) coasting - 8 6.2
a) coasting, foot in 5.5
b) coasting, foot in - c 5.9
c) coasting, foot in - 8 6.4
a) coasting backward 6.3
b) coasting backward - c 6.5
c) coasting backward - 8 6.8
a) coasting backward, foot in 6.5
b) coasting backward, foot in - c 6.8
c) coasting backward, foot in - 8 7.1
a) sideways ww 5.0
b) sideways ww - c 5.2
c) sideways ww - 8 5.4
a) sideways ww, 1ft 5.2
b) sideways ww, 1ft - c 5.4
c) sideways ww, 1ft - 8 5.8
d) sideways ww, 1ft on seat 5.4
b) idling 1ft 2.4
c) idling 1ft ext 2.5
d) idling 1ft crossed 2.5
a) stillstand 3.8
a) twisting 3.0
a) touch the floor 2.5
a) touch the floor, seat in front 3.2
a) hopping 2.5
b) hopping frh 2.8
b) hoptwist 180° 2.9
c) hoptwist 360° 4.0
d) hoptwist freehand 90° 3.0
e) hoptwist frh 180° 3.3
f) hoptwist frh 360° 4.5
a) hopping on wheel 3.0
a) hoptwist on wheel 90° 3.3
b) hoptwist on wheel 180° 3.6
a) hopping on wheel frh 4.2
a) hoptwist on wheel frh 90° 4.5
b) hoptwist on wheel frh 180° 4.8
b) pirouette 4.0
b) backward pirouette 4.5
a) bounce seat 3.4
a) touch seat on floor 3.8
a) spin seat in front 3.9
b) pirouette seat in front 4.4
b) pirouette seat in back 4.5
a) riding to seat in front 1.5
a) seat in front to riding 1.7
a) riding to seat in back 1.6
a) seat in back to riding 1.9
a) leg around 3.4
b) leg around twice 4.2
b) leg around twice reverse 4.4
a) backspin 2.7
a) riding spin 3.3
a) front spin 3.3
a) bwd riding spin 3.7
a) pick up seat in front 4.0
b) pick up seat in back 4.3
a) pick up seat in back with foot 4.1
a) pedals to hopping on wheel 3.0
b) pedals 270° to hopping on wheel 4.3
c) pedals 450° to hopping on wheel 6.0
d) pedals to sideways ww 3.4
e) pedals 270° to sideways ww 4.7
f) pedals 450° to sideways ww 6.0
b) hopping on wheel 270° to pedals 4.2
c) sideways ww to pedals 3.3
d) sideways ww 270° to pedals 4.5
a) pedals to hopping on wheel frh 3.6
a) hopping on wheel frh to pedals 3.6
a) seat in front to side ride 5.1
a) side ride to seat in front 5.3
a) side ride to hopping on wheel 5.5
b) side ride to sideways ww 5.8
b) 360° uni spin 5.3
c) 180° uni spin to idling 1ft 4.8
d) 360° uni spin to idling on foot 5.5
b) 360° uni spin to ww 5.8
c) 180° uni spin to ww 1ft 5.3
d) 360° uni spin to ww 1ft 6.0
b) 360° uni spin to hopping on whl frh 6.2
b) 360° uni spin on wheel 5.1
a) mount 1.3
a) back mount 1.9
a) side mount 1.8
b) side mount leg around 3.4
b) side mount reverse leg around 3.4
b) free jump mount 2.7
c) jump mount to ww 2.5
d) 180° uni spin jump mount 2.6
e) 360° uni spin jump mount 2.7
f) turn around jump mount 3.0
b) free side jump mount 3.0
b) spin mount 720° 3.4
b) kick up mount to ww 3.2
c) kick up to hopping on wheel frh 3.9
a) pick up mount 3.2
a) swing up mount 3.4
The following descriptions are meant to explain the correct way to
execute the skills. The numbering corresponds with the figure numbers
in the UNICYCLING SKILLS SCORES list. Any illustrations are intended
to clarify the descriptions. If illustrations and descriptions
disagree, the descriptions always apply.
riding Riding (sitting on seat, facing forward).
riding bwd Riding backward.
seat in front Riding with seat held in front of the rider. In a)
the seat or hand holding the seat may rest against the rider.
seat in front bwd Riding backward with seat held out in front of
the rider. In a) the seat or hand holding the seat may rest against
the rider.
seat in back Riding with the seat held out behind the rider. In a)
the seat or the hand holding the seat may rest against the rider.
seat in back bwd Riding backward with the seat held out behind the
rider. In a) the seat or the hand holding the seat may rest against
the rider.
seat on side Riding with the seat held out to the side of the
rider. In a) the seat or the hand holding the seat may rest against
the rider.
seat on side bwd Riding backward with the seat held out to the side
of the rider. In a) the seat or the hand holding the seat may rest
against the rider.
stomach on seat Riding with the stomach on the seat, frh. In a) one
hand holds onto the seat.
stomach on seat bwd Riding backward with the stomach on the seat,
hands free.
chin on seat Riding with no part of the body other than the chin
touching the seat, frh.
chin on seat bwd Riding backward with no part of the body other
than the chin touching the seat, hands free.
1ft Riding with one foot on pedal. In d), e) and f) the free leg
is extended. In g), h), and i) the free leg is crossed over the
pedaling leg.
1ft bwd Riding backward with one foot on pedal. In d), e) and f)
the free leg is extended.
1ft seat in front Riding with the seat held out in front of the
rider, one foot on pedal. In a) and e) the seat or hand holding the
seat my rest against the rider. In e), f) g) and h) the free leg is
1ft seat in front bwd Riding backward with the seat held out in
front of the rider, one foot on pedal. In a) the seat or hand holding
the seat my rest against the rider.
seat on side, 1ft Riding with the seat held out to the side of the
rider, one foot on pedal. In a) the seat or the hand holding the seat
may rest against the rider.
seat on side, 1ft bwd Riding backward with the seat held out to
the side of the rider, one foot on pedal. In a) the seat or the hand
holding the seat my rest against the rider.
wheel walk Propelling the wheel with the feet placed on the wheel
in front of the frame.
ww bwd Riding backward by propelling the wheel with the feet
placed on the wheel in front of the frame.
ww frame between feet Riding forward by propelling the wheel with
one foot placed on the wheel in front of the frame.
ww frame between feet bwd Riding backward by propelling the wheel
with one foot placed on the wheel in front of the frame and the other
foot placed on the wheel behind the frame.
ww bwd, feet behind frame Riding backward by propelling the wheel
with the feet placed on the wheel behind the frame.
spoke walk bwd, feet behind frame Riding backward by propelling
the wheel with the feet placed on both sides of the wheel, behind the
frame. Feet may contact spokes, rim, or tire.
ww 1ft walking the wheel using only one foot on the wheel, in
front of the frame. In d), e) and f) the free leg is extended.
ww bwd 1ft walking the wheel backwards with one foot on the wheel,
in front of the frame. In d), e) and f) the free leg is extended.
ww bwd 1ft behind frame Walking the wheel backward with one foot
on the wheel behind the frame.
gliding Riding with one foot on the wheel and the other foot
resting on the frame, maintaining balance only by the braking action
of the foot on the wheel. In d), e), and f) the free leg is extended.
gliding bwd foot behind frame Riding with one foot on the wheel
behind the frame and the other foot resting on the frame, maintaining
balance only by the braking action of the foot on the wheel.
hand wheel walk Riding by propelling the uni with the hands on the
wheel and with the feet resting on the frame. In b) the legs are
one hand wheel walk Hand wheel walk with one hand on the wheel. In
b) the legs are extended.
hand ww, stomach on seat Hand wheel walk with the stomach on the
seat and the legs extended.
one hand ww stomach on seat One hand wheel walk with the stomach
on the seat and the legs extended.
drag seat in front Riding with the seat dragging on the floor, in
front of the wheel.
drag seat in back Riding with the seat dragging on the floor,
behind the wheel.
side ride Riding 1ft, next to the uni, with foot on the
non-corresponding pedal, holding on to the seat with both hands. In
d), e) and f) only one hand holds the seat.
coasting Riding with one foot resting on the frame and the free
foot extended.
coasting, foot in Riding with both feet resting on the frame.
coasting bwd Riding backward with one foot resting on the frame
and the free foot extended.
coasting, bwd foot in Riding backward with both feet resting on
the frame.
sideways wheel walk Riding sideways, standing on the wheel with
one foot in front of the frame and the other behind the frame, holding
on to the seat with both hands.
sideways wheel walk 1ft Riding sideways, standing on the wheel
with one foot in front of the frame and the free leg extended, holding
on to the seat with both hands. In d) the free leg is placed on the
100. idling Staying in place by moving the wheel forward and backward
centered at a vertical crank position. In b) idling with one foot on
pedal. In c) idling with one foot on pedal and free foot extended.
In d) idling with one foot on pedal and free leg crossed over the
pedaling leg.
stillstand Staying in place with no wheel movement.
twisting Staying in place twisting the uni left and right around
a vertical axis.
touch the floor Bending down and touching the floor.
touch the floor, seat in front Bending down and touching the
floor with one hand, while holding the seat out in front with the
other hand.
hopping Bouncing with the uni with one hand holding on to the
seat. In b) both hands are free.
hoptwist Bouncing with the uni and turning around a vertical axis
over a) 90, b) 180, and c) 360 degrees in one jump. In d), e) and f)
with hands free.
hopping on wheel Hopping, standing on wheel with one foot in
front of and the other behind frame, holding on to the seat with both
hoptwist on wheel Hopping on wheel and turning around a vertical
axis over a) 90 and b) 180 degrees in one jump.
hopping on wheel frh Hopping, standing on wheel with one foot in
front of and the other behind the frame, not holding on to the seat.
hoptwist on wheel frh Hopping on wheel freehanded, and turning
around a vertical axis over a) 90 and b) 180 degrees in one jump.
a) spin Riding in a small circle with the upper body rotating
around a vertical axis.
b) pirouette Spinning around a vertical axis, on momentum
gained from forward movement.
b) bwd pirouette axis. In b) Spinning around a vertical axis
on momentum gained from backward movement.
bounce seat From riding with the seat in front, bouncing the seat
on the floor once and catching it back.
touch seat on floor Bending down and touching the floor with the
seat while holding it out in front of the rider with one hand.
a) spin seat in front Riding in a small circle with the seat held
out in front of the rider so that the upper body is rotating around a
vertical axis.
b) pirouette seat in front Spinning around a vertical axis
with the seat held out in front of the rider.
b) pirouette seat in back Spinning around a vertical axis with
the seat held out behind the rider.
150. riding to seat in front From riding, pulling out the seat to seat
in front.
seat in front to riding From seat in front, getting back on the
seat into riding.
riding to seat in back From riding, pulling out the seat to seat
in back.
seat in back to riding From seat in back, getting back on the
seat into riding.
a) leg around From seat in front, swinging one leg around the
seat to seat in back or riding.
b) leg around twice In b), the leg goes once around the seat
before the foot is placed back on the pedal.
b) leg around twice reverse In b), the leg goes once around
the seat before the foot is placed back on the pedal.
backspin Riding, rotating 180 degrees around a vertical axis and
continuing riding backward in the same direction.
riding spin Riding, rotating 360 degrees around a vertical axis
and continuing riding in the same direction.
front spin Riding backward, rotating 180 degrees around a
vertical axis and continuing riding forward in the same direction.
bwd riding spin Riding backward, rotating 360 degrees around a
vertical axis and continuing riding backward in the same direction.
a) pick up seat in front From drag seat in front, bending down,
picking up the frame and bringing it
b) pick up seat in back upright into seat in front. In b) from
drag seat in back to seat in back.
pick up seat in back with foot From drag seat in back, bringing
the frame upright into seat in back by placing a heel under the frame.
a) pedals to hopping on wheel From seat in front, jumping on the
wheel into hopping on wheel. In b), the
b) pedals 270° to hop on wheel unicycle is rotated 270 or
in c) 450 degrees around a vertical axis before
c) pedals 450° to hop on wheel the feet are placed on the
d) pedals to sideways ww In d), from seat in front, jumping on
the wheel into sideways wheel walk.
e) pedals 270° to sideways ww In e) and f) the unicycle is
rotated e) 270 or f) 450 degrees around a vertical
f) pedals 450° to sideways ww axis before the feet are
placed on the tire.
b) hopping on wheel 270° to pedals is rotated 270 degrees
around a vertical axis before feet are placed on the
c) sideways ww to pedals pedals. In c), from sideways wheel
walk, jumping down to seat in front or riding. In d) the uni is
rotated 270 degrees around a vertical axis before feet
d) sideways ww 270° to pedals are placed back on the
pedals to hopping on wheel frh From riding, placing one foot on
the wheel in front of the frame and the other foot on the wheel behind
the frame, and standing up into hopping on wheel freehanded.
hopping on wheel frh to pedals From hopping on wheel freehanded,
jumping down to riding.
seat in front to side ride From seat in front jumping into side
side ride to seat in front From side ride, jumping into seat in
a) side ride to hopping on wheel From side ride, jumping into a)
hopping on wheel.
b) side ride to sideways ww From side ride, jumping into
sideways wheel walk.
uni spin to idling 1ft and landing back on it. In b) and d)
the rider lands into idling 1ft.
uni spin to ww 1ft axis and landing back on it in the wheel
walk position. In c) and d) the rider lands into wheel walk one foot.
uni spin to hopping on wheel frh Jumping up off the uni, rotating
it a) 180 or b) 360 degrees around a vertical axis, and landing back
on it into hopping on wheel freehanded.
uni spin on wheel From hopping on wheel, jumping up off the uni,
rotating it a) 180 or b) 360 degrees around a vertical axis, and
landing back on it into hopping on wheel.
mount Mounting the uni from standing behind it, by placing one
foot on the rear pedal and going up and over the wheel or rotating the
wheel backward to obtain balance.
back mount Mounting the uni from standing in front of it, by
placing one foot on the front pedal and going up and over the wheel or
rotating the wheel forward to obtain balance.
a) side mount Mounting the uni from standing next to it, by
placing corresponding foot on pedal closest to rider, swinging the
other leg around in front of the seat, getting seated and placing
second foot on pedal. In b), the leg goes once
b) side mount, leg around around the seat before the second
foot is placed on the pedal.
b) side mount reverse, leg around pedal closest to rider,
swinging the other leg around behind the seat, getting seated and
placing second foot on pedal. In b) the leg goes once around the seat
before the second foot is placed on the pedal.
b) free jump mount pedals simultaneously. b) the rider lets
go of the uni before his or her feet leave the floor.
c) jump mount to ww In c) the rider lands in wheel walk
d) 180° uni spin mount In d) and e) the uni gets spun 180
and 360 degrees respectively around a
e) 360° uni spin mount vertical axis after the rider leaves
the floor but before the rider lands on it.
f) turn around jump mount In f) the rider turns around 180
degrees before landing on the unicycle.
b) free side jump mount pedals simultaneously. In b) the rider
lets go of the uni before his or her feet leave the floor.
spin mount 360° / 720º Mounting the uni, spinning a) 360
and b) 720 degrees around a vertical axis.
a) kick up Mounting the uni from standing over it (the uni laying
on the floor) by
b) kick up to ww placing corresponding foot on pedal, kicking
the seat up into place with the
c) kick up to hopping on whl frh other foot and a) placing
second foot on pedal. In b) the second foot is placed on the wheel
instead of on the pedal and the rider goes into wheel walk right
away. In c) the second foot is placed on the wheel and the foot on
the pedals is moved onto the wheel and the rider goes into hopping on
wheel freehand right away.
pick up Mounting the uni from standing behind it (uni wheel
upright with seat on floor) by jumping on to pedals, picking up seat
and getting seated.
swing up mount Mounting the uni from standing beside it (uni
wheel upright; seat on floor) by placing corresponding foot on pedal,
swinging the frame upright with the second foot, swinging the second
leg around the back of the seat, getting seated and placing the second
foot on pedal.
I’m not reading all that. Cliff notes anyone?
that was the oldest post i could find on google groups for the RSU newsgroup, it looks as though our dear friend Ken has been here a while
Oldest Posts
Do these count?
It was the very first posting on JC! Back then it was a lot quieter than it is now. One person had suggested that the forum be removed because hardly anyone posted at the time.
and then (after a couple years) came Most Replys and Logan_A.
Don’t forget the Gallery of ____ threads. This forum isn’t all crap.
it was Phil,GILD,Sendhair,Gludious Maximus and I that set this forum afloat…
I must add Dave (uni57) to the list of suspec^H^H^H^Hparticipants, for spouting a truly legendary amount of intelligent and humourous… erm… nonsense.
<nostalgic gaze>
Aye, them were t’ days… when you could leave yer door open at nights 'cause all round ‘ere was just fields, and you could get the bus to t’ pictures and back for tuppence ha’p’nny…
Did Gluteous leave, or just fade away?
Whatever happened to Sendhair, and Gluteous? They don’t post here anymore. I miss them.
I object! The Most Replys thread is still totally awesome, but I do agree that Logan_A shoudl be banned. But he’s not doing his retarded thing anymore, so I guess he can stay.
well my reply was in responce to unibabyguy when he said
and now it is far from quite due to the open dialogue fromed by Most Replies (im sorry, i just feel dirty when i miss spell it even though i miss spell everything.) and saddly by Logan_A.'s posts too. speaking of open dialogue, why did u choose the name James_Potter for your sn?