Hey guys, when i’m hopping on my uni (24" wheel, 170mm cranks, right foot forward, left hand on handle) my unicycle seems to want to spin around. it’s weird cause it’s only started happening lately, i’ll just be hopping and my uni trys to spin me around clockwise. have any of you ever had this problem or know how to fix it?
If you have only just stared hopping then that is why. As you practice and get more comfortable with it you stop spinning and you can actully control the hops. I know what you mean though, I do stuff like that when I hop in the wrong position, I sometimes spin and the cranks like to turn also.
i’ve been hopping for about two months now and can hop up some stairs and stuff, i’ve ridden for about 1 and a half months but only lately it starts trying to spin me clockwise.
didnt this only start happening when you put your tyre on the wrong way? i dont know what it could be, but that could be the problem.
nah it started before the tyre went on the wrong way, i should really change it back some time
maybe you have changed your hoping style without noticing it, or you could have one of your shoulders too far forward.
as straight as i could get it yeah
try and turing the other way ? keep ur legs tight around your seat when you hop and use your hand to direct your seat so it wont turn…