Weird MUni ride

OKay so today i went MUniing and i came to this part where there arent a lot of trees but really tall grass. So i got of my MUni to just scout it out to make sure there was still a trail there and i looked down the clearing a little ways and i see a man lying on his side naked in the grass. It was SOO weird. So i quickly made my way back to the woods to warn the others. This was at a really bad spot to cause this is the part where this trail connects with other trails i was planning on riding. We were thinking maybe we could just ride by and act like we dont see the guy, but i noticed there were these odd looking structures built in the clearing and im thinking that this guy might live out here. We all decided that we would just walk back to the beginning and get to the other trails a different way. Other than that the ride was great, i found some awesome downhill that was really rocky and fun and a few bridges and a teeter totter which i couldnt do lol.

thats really, really weird.


that is kinda wierd. you would think he would have chosen a better spot to live.

Once, while riding my mountain bike on a hot summer day, I came across a hiker wearing nothing but hiking shoes and maybe socks. He didn’t appear to have any tan lines either, not that I looked that closely. :astonished:

eww thats just gross :astonished: at least this guy was kinda hidden by the tall grass.

Why that spot sounds idea. Living out in nature.

…yeah but on a bike trail?

He didn’t say it was on a bike trail he said it was a clearing in the woods.

You should have offerd him a try, maybe he could start something.
That was a joke.

Nudity is a strange taboo. We are born nude. We spend large parts of our teenage years trying to get members of (usually) the opposite sex nude with us. Products are sold by the brand being associated with people who are as near to nude as the law allows. But anyone who is nude in the wrong place is considered weird and dangerous.

Did this man do anything to threaten or offend you? Was he playing with his todger? Did he chase you? Did he make lewd and suggestive remarks? No, he was just lying on his side with no clothes on in a place he had considered to be fairly private.

Probably at this very moment on, there is an angry thread about how one of the regular posters was having a quiet snooze in a clearing when some dipstick on a unicycle turned up, had a fit of the screaming abdabs and rode away shouting, “Euuugh!”

I think people are generally pretty accepting of nude women, but does anyone really want to see a nude man? I’m convinced that God fixed some aesthetic design flaws when he created Eve. :wink:

Don’t say that! You’ll turn this into a religion thread!!!

you’re right though

ok well i dont want this to become a topic about what is normal or is there a normal. Another thing about this i didnt mention was one of the people with me said he also saw a woman sooooo maybe this wasnt just some guy lieing there. And the reason he didnt chase me or anything was because he didnt see me. I didnt want to chance it that this guy was truly a psycho. Im also only 16 and this was a grown man so if anything did happen this guy could have done some harm. Rather be safe than sorry.

That’s ok. The day I got my first muni I had a similar experience. Except that it was a guy and gal. And not totally naked. And they were a little busy to notice me :wink:

nah man this seserse a +3 cause that is the weirdist thing I have heard/seen in a long time

watch your lil kids cause those people could try and rape them seriously no joke dont think im kidding. also i was riding and there is a rapist that lives that down my street and i was riding and he came out i hopped off my uni and ran(i was riding a 20in.)

you mean boobs?

once when i was 9 i went hiking with my mom, and some people coming back the other way told us 5 college age kids were prancing naked in a river near the trail, taking pictures. we left. very weird.

The kid that claimed to have seen a woman there is 14 and very insecure of his manliness…