
Weezer’s newest album “Make Beleive” is comming out on May 10th! I didn’t feel like waiting that long, so I’m going to see them in concert. For some reason, they don’t feel like playing in Denver, so I’m going to the Seattle show. I’m going anyway to look at The University of Puget Sound.

I just wanted to rub it into your faces.


I have to agree with you weezer does rock and I cant agree with you anymore on how awsome they are and how excited I am for their cd

Weezer ROOLS
I think they used to be better than they are now. their new song Beverly Hills on their new CD really kind of sucks.
their older songs, Undone, Buddy Holly, Island in the Sun, all those are BRILLIANT.

I think Pinkerton was their best cd. My favorite songs include those mentioned by yourself and Accross the sea, The world has turned and left me here, why bother, the good life, Keep Fishin’, and many more. I didn’t like Beverly Hills at first, but it’s adictive. I keep finding myself singing it or humming the part near the end with the wah pedal.

I don’t own any of their stuff, but I keep humming buddy holly, after hearing a cover by a local band and looking it up on the internet.

Weezer is kind of lame… I guess it just not really my kind of thing


That’s the most bullshit reply I’ve seen. It makes no sence to the common reader. All I can deduce is you are a bipolar freak.

you poophead. didn’t you read what he was commenting on?

DK said:
Weezer is kind of lame
and Catboy said:

DK said:
I guess it just not really my kind of thing
and Catboy said:

see now? you dumb rat.

catboy is ratboy…dur

yeah… that doesn’t mean I can’t correct him anyway though, does it? (;

Me no think Catboy is Ratboy. I was talking to Catboy the night Ratboy first struck. Either Catboy is a very good online actor or the true Ratboy is running around out there on the loose.