Weet Bix, how many do you do?

I wish i had an invisible tummy so i could see the weetbix being digested

You must have a fast metabolism. :smiley: :smiley:

Whoa freaky stuff there. :slight_smile:

I was just gona say… looks like the equivalent to our weetabix :stuck_out_tongue:

6 for me, sometimes 9.
our bolws only hold 3, so i go up in threes

Here is another “bicks” you can eat! :roll_eyes:

The middle jar appears to contain a small octopus.

Are these weetbix things anything like frosted mini wheats? Except without the frostedness?

yes, thats what i thought, in which case i have like 10-15 and can fit a max of 35 in my mouth at once:D

Yeah we do. You get em at trader joe’s.

I’m doing fine Mr.Gillmore, the nail comes out next week.

a lot of my diet consists of cereal, yet I have never seen or heard of weetbix. They look pretty good though. I usually eat cinnamon life. that stuff is seriously the best.

I eat like 3 bowls of friuty loops…

So who eats them hot and who has them cold?
I like to give them a blast in the microwave for a minute or two so they’re all mushy with a little skin bubbling at the edge.

I love eating shredded wheats.

if its the normal big kind, hot with milk and rasberries.

if its the mini frosted kind, cold with milk.


im hungry