Is anyone familiar with the band WEEN? I just got their new one, Quebec, And i’m totally digging it like crazy. It’s like an orgasm in a set of headphones, if you don’t mind the metaphor.
Push the little daises
and watch 'em come up…
yeeeah have you seen their interviews?
they suck toad warts.
Pure Guava is the most tolerable one though.
so many people in the neighborhood, don’t know if they’re very good people!!!
i’ve been listning to the album all day, it;s great… hey there fancy pants is the best, heh heh heh. did anyone catch the song ween did for pizza hut? it’s histerical, you can download it here, it’s only 30 seconds long…
the second one is rather amusing as well, all be it much umm… rawer.
an orgasm in a set of headphones is right…
The whole incident with them and pizza hut is hilarius. Once in a while i’ll just come out of the blue and say “Where the cheese go?”
Did you catch Ween on Crank Yankers performing Fancy Pants long before Quebec came out? That’s the reason i started listening to them, that song was so cool.
Jag, a little respect of you just died in me today. Not a lot, just a little. Mostly just because you said toad wads. If i were you i would have said, “The enjoyment i have when listening to Ween’s music is only comparible to a root canal.” or something like that.
Give me that Z-o-l-o-f-t.
i said “toad warts” not wads,like you said.