Weekly 3d Modelling Competition

So, me and Dudewithasock have been talking.
We think there should be a weekly 3d modelling competition here on the forums.
Here’s how it goes.
On monday, someone posts a thread saying what the subject is.
Then we have till Thursday to model and render, and finally post it up here. Then everyone votes on which ones they think are best.
Then we do it all over again the following Monday.
We could also do it for like a weekend thing having it start on Friday and end Sunday.
The topics should be something like “Mid-Evil Weaponry” and not just “swords”
Also, other people that do 3d modelling could do it too I guess, but if you want to do it try to tell us in this thread so we have a general idea of who’s in it.
That’s about all I can remember. So, yeah.

Nick, just a warning…I dunno how well I’ll be able to compete, because my computer has not been very agreeable lately when it comes to Blender.