Wedding bells are jiggling...

for all of you that didn’t hear,

Rezzy and I have decided to make it official:

sorry we couldn’t invite you all, but we are still accepting wedding gifts :wink:

Rezzy kept her name? I am not sure how I would feel about that.

nope :stuck_out_tongue:


Phil and Rezzy Cavalheiro Sanders…

Colonel Sanders was our priest

Tell me the truth: you did it to get your Brazilian citizenship!

no … WE did it to get dual citizenship :sunglasses:

So how do we celebrate this virtual marriage… can we throw spam at you?

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as long as its cooked

Let me know how the immigration agents take it.

Wedding bells are jiggling?
like a bowl full of jelly?

Jackie puts a damper on things…:stuck_out_tongue:

you should have cut out paragraph three.

hey man… we don’t need the government to prove our love… its the commitment that matter :stuck_out_tongue:

Jiggling, rather than jingling? Interesting.

As Phil said, we’re still accepting wedding gifts. And unicycles are included! :smiley:

Surely a tandem - which statistically is two unicycles.

Pics or it didn’t happen. Then I might consider…

Then you’d need pictures of the consumation? :wink:

Please, no…

Why not???
We’re so sexy! :wink:

You are both charming people (as unicyclists, by definition) and I wish you eternal happiness in what can only be a well-balanced relationship. A superbly balanced relationship.