Webshots restrictions?

I used to used to put all my photos on webshots but about 6 months ago I started to get messages saying I can’t put more than (I think it was) 15 photos in each album unless I upgrade to Webshots Unlimited. Are you guys that have heaps of photos in each album on Webshots paying extra?

The thing I love about putting my stuff here on unicyclist.com is you can add videos too.


Re: Webshots restrictions?

I pay extra now.

I first started using Webshots a few years back, before they had any real restrictions. Then one day they put up limitations so I just started and filled new webshots accounts when I needed more space. Fast forward a couple years, they restriced things, and my original account with all the masses of albums was still there, kinda grand-fathered… It was too big but they left it alone. I could take stuff off, but not add anything new. Well, last month they told me they would delete nearly every picture there unless I took the “extra” ones down or upgraded to a paying account. I decided it was too big a hassle to take sort and take some dwon so I payed up. I’m glad I did. Now I can get 60 pics per album and a few other nice expanded features.

Re: Re: Webshots restrictions?

But I was unable to access your (excellent) Moab photos beyond the 20th entry or so. Is that one of the expanded features or is it because it knows I’m not a webshots member? Ophoto, or whatever it is, recently made viewing access difficult. The first album I put up there was a breeze. Then they changed their policy and suddenly it became difficult for me, even as a member, to view John Foss’ photo albums or those of anyone else. Mine were, of course, still easy for me to see.

You guys want to check into Imagestation.
Quick and easy, it’s what I use. :slight_smile:

Re: Re: Re: Webshots restrictions?

Please detail the problem. I’m concerned with the outside viewing experience of all those photos. I know my brother-in-law gets in and looks at everything, but I also know it’s a hassle to sign up and jump through the necessary hoops to do so.

Nathan is pushing Shutterfly to me. Their Web site states that there is no limit on the number of pictures you can have, but I don’t think they’re thinking of me either. Ofoto has never indicated any problems with my masses of pictures, as long as I do an order at least every six months or so. I would do that anyway.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Webshots restrictions?

Without going through the process, which I will try later, I will say that I have never made an order from Ofoto and they undoubtedly know that. I have made an attempt to enter your galleries from links which you provided in past posts at which point I am asked for a username and password. This part is no surprise. When I do so, I am taken to my galleries which, although of course are much better than yours, I have already viewed. From my galleries there is no obvious way to get back to access yours, the link path is lost.

I will try again later and see if that is in fact the way it still behaves.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Webshots restrictions?

If I log in to ofoto, I get my galleries and an option to view my friends’ galleries (yes, John, we are friends). However, the only friends’ galleries are those for which I have already found a path. For example, logging in I can easily get to your UNICON albums because I have viewed them. I am unable to view any other albums by John because no path is provided. If you provide a path to or link to an older album, I would like to try that again. Please e-mail one to me or just post it in this thread. If you post it, several people can try it, both members and non-members.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Webshots restrictions?

Are you able to get to the different galleries through the links on John’s Ofoto page at unicycling.com

That’s the way I’ve always gone to get to the Ofoto galleries. But yah, navigating through Ofoto is weird. It’s as if they wanted to make it hard to get around.