Waving GoodBye to Plastic Seatbases!

I just got my new Miyata CF base in the mail from PDC! Its so nice…Very rigid and very light. I stood on it with my full weight(230lbs) and it didnt even flinch…Now ive gotta go drill it and take it out for a test drive.

Is it just me or does getting new stuff always motivate you guys to ride…I kno it does for me!

Thanks again to PDC for fast and friendly service. I recomend buying from him.


just drilled it…But i found that i do not have the appropriate file to make the holes square:( looks like im not riding my new base till tommorow…

The one neat thing i did was drilling it so that the handle is on an angle…Like a Reeder or a Deathgrip handle. Im hoping it will help my hands be less in pain when i ride.

What kind of handle are you using? Did you drill offset holes to off set a symetrical handle? If so…I think your going to regret that.

post pics. I want to see it. I’ve been considering upgrading to CF. do you think it’s worth it?

i find most hand pain comes from blisters, as the bottom of my handle is a bunch of plastic ridges which are painful to hold.

yeah, yesterday was cleaning day. i took everything apart, cleaned it, regreased it, and put it all back together. rides like a dream.

Using a Miyata handle. Im not sure what you mean by offset thoughhat exactly you mean?

And Miles. I cant take any pics cuz i dont have my camera yet but yes i think that a CF upgrade is a great choice of any Trials or Muni unicycle

Using a Miyata handle. Im not sure what you mean by offset though. What exactly you mean?

And Miles. I cant take any pics cuz i dont have my camera yet but yes i think that a CF upgrade is a great choice of any Trials or Muni unicycle

hmm, ouch, Im guessing you ride w/ an LX/miyata handle?
and if you are desperate for a fix, you should get some semi-fine sandpaper and sand it :slight_smile: