Longboards, unicycles, waterskis…when will it ever end? Probably once I move out of the house and have to pay bills…
So this time, I got a new waterski. It’s a 61" H-O Sports “Judge” with “Venom” bindings. I got to try it out for the first time yesterday, which was only my 2nd day slalom skiing. And boy am I sore!
Yeah man… I slalom every weekend during the sumer. Some people on the lake have put in a slalom course and it gets well used. My best is 32 off @30 MPH.
Is that your first ski with double boots? If it is, you will love them! You will feel WAY more confidant crossing the wakes with them, and you back foot won’t ever get ripped out of the binding.
I tried it about 20 years ago. That was only my second or third time. I did not have trouble getting up on 2 skis but once I got up, all I could do was just ski. I managed to get over the wake a time or two. After a few minutes the driver got bored and opened up the throttle as fast as the boat would go. I managed to hold on for several minutes. When I finally lost control, I stepped out of the skiis and took about 3 or 4 giant steps across the top of the water then BANG!! I hit the water hard. That was the only time I have ever walked on water.
I’ve done it once at a friends camp, but i mostly kneeborded. I wiped really good 2wise. The waves where really choppy and it was windy, and my first time so…
what the heck did you get that good of a ski for when you have only done it once before???
my dad’s first tournament… he passed the beginner division and didn’t know how to use the gates
so he didn’t make it
but it was also his 2nd time ever