whats up with the random videos? do you have a machine fetish???
Don’t fall in! That thing can shred a refrigerator!
The steel drum one is the coolest, they just… dissapear.
I personally have to go with the video of it shredding a boat.
I agree. The boat was the best. I sure hope they have a good LOTO program.
First one to identify what LOTO is wins.
Lockout/Tagout. Programs to ensure environmental and safety compliance, including around dangerous machinery.
What did(n’t) I win?
To Raphael, the Greatest and Bestest!
Back in the 70s I think my dad got a patent for some kind of safety device for such machinery. It was essentially a frame with sensors that would detect if either anything or part of a human operator (I can’t remember which) passed through it. If whatever wasn’t supposed to pass through it did, it immediately shut down the machine being operated.
After development costs and lawyers fees my pop, businessman that he was, made about ($2,500). If you’ve ever read a financial statement, you know what I mean.
I spent eight years as an EHS Engineer (that’s Environmental, Health & Safety) and have established a couple LOTO programs in companies. With all the obvious benefits of such a safety program, I never heard such belly-aching as I did from the maintenance guys or department supervisors, especially the ones who had been around for 30 years or so. “I’ve worked for 30 years without the stupid thing and never had a problem.” Funny, the one guy who did have a problem once upon a time is all for it.
I do! I do! Shredding is cool! Thanks, Jagur, more videos please!
The moment I saw the machine shredding a refrigerator I knew I had a new purpose in life… to work for SSI.