!!wanted!! western canadians

okay so i want to know who lives in western canada because then we could have a uni meet without having to spend 400 for the plane tickit

hey, i live in western canada(victoria b.c). There are about 20 regulars over on vancouver island and about 15 regulars over in van as far as i know and a few more out in the boonies in the interior. addtionally i have been thinking about doing a trials comp over here or a muni weekend.

How far west are we talking? I live in central AB. Even without flying, it’d be hard to get a large number of unicyclists out… it’s a long drive to BC…

Forget it I tryed atleast 5 times to make a meet happen in alberta… ppl just dont seem to care.

It’s not that they don’t care, just not enough of the unicyclists in the world read this forum. I’ve seen at least three other unicyclists in this small town of 40,000, but I don’t think they’ve ever posted on this forum.

i am driving out to alberta next satureday, going to edmontion, calgary, all over alberta… going to be unicycling alot cuz i donno wha telse to do there. oh yeah i am going to the stamped too.

okay so edmonton would be good if you could put up posters maby others would come

lollll wow what a big event ! 3 persons ? look wait until there is a street meet here then well make it bigger… that might happen this summer well see what happens.

i live in manitoba, last summer my family and i were in alberta. This year we are going to mount rushmore

I live around lethbridge.

Yeah, it’s true, you won’t get a good turnout. It’s impossible to get connected with all the riders around. There are three others in my town, but none of them are on the forum, even though I’ve told them about it several times.

Every town seems to have a rider or two, but you’ll never find them except for by random chance. I think if we give the sport a few years, and continue to go hard promoting it and connecting with these guys one by one, we just might do it.

If you pick a date for it, for 4 out of ten it would be the wrong time, for another 5 it’d be too far or expensive to travel, and the other guy wouldn’t be interested in coming.

yo, albertans, this isnt a middle canadian thread, its western… soo pisshaaww

im on vancouver island ( victoria’ish), im down for a muni weekend, i want a muni weekend to happen at mt.washington, we get 1/2 off lift tickets for the day cause we’re unicyclists.


Yeah, we should get a huge group together to hit up some of the trails up there! would be alot of fun ! who would be interested in comming? Maybe this summer or next?

You may have noticed I asked the question of how far west in my first post, but anyways AB is NOT Central Canada. So we’re not the coast, but we are the west. But who really cares anyways, we’re unicyclists and that’s the whole point.

Anyways, the point we Albertans are trying to make is, it’s gonna be extremely difficult to get a good representation of any larger area to come out to a uni meet untill we have a larger riding base in Canada.

You might also note that the thread starter is from Red Deer. That’s a half hour drive south of my town in Central Alberta.