Wanted: Main Man

It seems the latest trend on this Forum is to have a Main Man. I haven’t got one yet, so if anyone’s interested in being my Main Man, please let me know via this thread.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I’ve always liked you, and such. So I would be gald to be your main man. As long as someone is willing to be my main man.

Re: Wanted: Main Man

what do you mean? :thinking:

I recommend Catboy. He’d make a great main man

Thanks Catboy! I would be proud to be your Main Man as well.

I don’t think it works like that

whats a main man? :thinking:

While not really being used in it’s proper context here, as most people probably haven’t met, but if you had a real good friend who you could trust, someone you always turned to first, that would be your main man.

It’s just an expression, but that’s what a main man would be

I should be Jagur’s Main Man, thatway it would look like this:

Spyder, I would be happy to add you to my list of main mans. Let me know.

How did I get on your list Obie? It’s great and all, but umm… are there benefits? a 401k plan? Bacon?

My main man is not a man.

You can’t have more than one main man (and you know it).

Also, I assume that the Dave in that list is not me… because just less than 24 hours ago, you figured out who I was.

I wouldn’t under estimate the ObieOne

Sweet…I’m in a sig-line…unless it’s that othere retched unicylist named owen…GRRRRrrrrr!!..there can be only one!!

true, it looks like it’s just a list of his favorite people/cool people, and that probably includes all the MR Thread posters.

unfortunately for me, there’s a Mike and a Michael… I don’t know if either of them is me, and if one of them is, which is it? WHICH ONE???

you are porbably Michael. Mike is Chex… I think.

Yep. I don’t know what the heck a ‘main man’ is but CatBoy seems good and his posts are always entertaining. He would get my vote.

Plus… as an added benefit, he has an amazing power that lets him talk to cats. I have notice we do not have any cats on the forum. It could be because cats can’t type or it could be that the cats just don’t know about the forum. CatBoy could really help bring the much needed cats into the forum.

I see “main” man as meaning “#1” man. And you can’t have two #1 men.

And you can’t have two functions in a C program called main()