does anyone want to sell me his or her flybar?
does anyone want to sell me his or her flybar?
umm…first of all, this is a unicycling forum. not pogo sticking.
second of all, this belongs is Trading Post.
I dont care… no body goes in the trading post and trading post seem for unicycle things only
sorry if I offense you
but I’ll make a thread in the trading post
and this isnt the puire unicycle section of this forum
ask gilby to ban me if you dont like this
im not offended, im just trying to point you in the right direction.
It is write on this forum that just conversation is to get to know other unicyclists around the world… and I want to know if other unicyclist have a flybar to sell… so I’m interesting about knowing what other unicyclist have so that I can know them more…
Yeah, that was the dumbest excuse Ive ever heard. But this is JC, so anything (almost) goes.
DO NOT post non unicycling in the trading post, Gilby says not to and will delete it.
Just conversation is the right place, not having anything to do with unicyclling.
exactly what i thought… heh