So about last year sometime i found a glorious program called RPG maker xp. I went gaga as soon as i found it and starting messing around on it. I have already made way about 25%ish into the game on working on, but for now im more interested in a new projecrt i have been thinking up.
Its along the lines of super metroid, actually almost exactly. Only i have my own character sprite and different attacks and weapons. im going to be using the same tilessets from the original super metriod. Any one willing to give ideas should do so. It will be acted through cut scenes and not shown text on screen. Heres the starting sequence: (this should get your mouthes watering)
To start out the story, you are a female on the planet satern. life has developed on this p[lanet and it has some properties on sustaining life. You live in a space station and you are a geologist who studys a specific canyon in which has been giving good specimen for study. after a long day of gathering rocks and minerals you make your way back to the space station to evaluate your specimen. Interestingly enough you find a form of pacteria on the rock. It bacteria seemed to die more quickly than it could perform mitosis. This wasnt the first time you found something like this. In fact it wasnt even a shock to you. Tired and exhausted from you long day of excavating, you put your rocks away in a sealed oxygen-filled tank to preserve the life that inhabits it. After you shut down the lab and clean up you Head to the bunker to goto sleep.
Cut ---------------------- ------ - - - (fades into darkness slowly)----
You wake up to alarmes going off. you open your eyes to see flashing lights and “intruder alert” sounds. The scene is still dark all you can see is the circular flashing of yellow emergency lights. You leap out of ben and check Ship status on the main computer. Unable to do anything or execute any command, the only thing the computer would do is paste EVACUATE on the screen. You sprint out of the door Heading to your lab to save your new specimen only to find everything completely destroyed. As you enter the room you trip over two dead proffesors with their stomachs slashed. The rocks that you collected ovver the days you spent on satern were thrashed across the room everywhere, and large gouges on the walls and floor.
You leave the lab frightened and run down the hallway to the escape pod. Running down the hall theres flashing lights everywhere and smashed depris falling. Once you reach the end of the hallway you open a door to find a creature similar to that one from slither
Freaked out and stunned you start running back still looking at the creature. You run back to the specimen lab. Along the way you trip, falling onto a pile of sharp debris and punctureing yourself, hitting your head, and beaking your arm.
Cut----------(fades into a bright white)-------------------------
( Screen flashes periodicly with docter people and cliking of tools. )
One of them say in an echoing way “we can rebuild her,”
(fades from white to a normal colored screen)
As soon as you wake up you notice that more than half your body is covered in metal and wires. You get a weird message inside your head.
(thats it so far) ------------------------------------
My source for tilsets, scripts, and other stuffs: