WalMart, the faster way.

Well, today was the first day of school. Because I have been busy all summer, I need to get some back to school stuff today. The lines at walmart were CRAZY! They were almost totally out of 1" binders, and everything was all over the place. When I finally found everything I needed, I was going for the cash. Then I realized that there was another cash in the electronics department with no lines! I hopped into the electronics department and made a quick U turn, baught my stuff, and got outta there! I saved myself about 20-40 minutes of line time, and I’m proud!

…I feel dumb
:o :frowning:

What happened to the 1-2" three-ring binders you used last year?

He threw them away, like every other student, because he is wastefull, and why do you shop at wal-mart anyways?

Yeah, why?

You didn’t ask me, but I shop there because I like their prices, products and chicken tenders from the deli (poor chickens)…and because they’re the only discount store in town.

Because they undersell their competitors, sometimes selling stuff below cost in an effort to get customers into the store where they’ll impulse uy other items (I’m not a biter semi-employee, why?)

But yeah, places to go to cash out: Lawn and Garden, Electronics, Jewelry, TLE (some stores have a 10 item limit at TLE)… I think pharmacy also… customer service desk. At X-Mas, all bets are off (but if they have no Hannukah (spelling?) stuff on display, ask a manager where that section is… it’s fun to watch them squirm ;))

Is there something wrong with Wal-Mart…?

I usually go to the self scan to buy my stuff there, cause I work those machines faster than the employes there.

If the lines are ever too long, from holidays or anything like that, I will walk to the electronic section and buy the stuff there. =p

I love walmart!

Many people think so… They have caused many downtown areas to become ghost towns due to their pricing,-regular retail merchants can’t compete (can’t afford to pay rents, a decent wage and hold on to a customer base). They tell manufactuers what they will pay for items, leaving no profit margin for the manufactuers.
They appear to be in constant lawsuits regarding equality, promotions, etc.

Cheapness has it’s own costs.

Threw away? Don’t people still ritually burn their school stuff at the end of the year any more?

Since binders are made of plastic they make a smelly mess. It’s much easier to burn the notes and packet books. :smiley:

so don’t go downtown…go to walmart

Yoopers, you bad man! You were banned from wal mart and you still shop there???!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

Within 30 years, Wal-Mart will become a government agency:D

But capitalism is zero sum, low prices are nearly always indicative of poor-to-horrendous labor practices.

Uh, so? I can still buy my stuff cheap, so I’m happy.

It’s class consciousness. Wal-Mart is of the most prolific consumer developments, but that happiness costs you a dominant position in class society. :smiley:

if one is not concerned with class, then the happiness comes for free. remove the construct of dominance in your mind and you will never be dominated.

Real people have real effect, but a diluted reality is only that. Pretending is not in full equivalence with being. Recognize the construct of dominance and smash it.

I know somebody with a key to the back door…